Ian Rabb will be running as the Conservative candidate in Fort Gary-Riverview for the upcoming Provincial election on October 4. Rabb was nominated as the Conservative candidate several months ago.
Rabb said he has already begun knocking on many doors in Fort Garry-Riverview, which has no incumbent due to the redistribution of riding boundaries for the 2011 provincial election.
Born and raised in Winnipeg, Rabb attended both the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Waterloo before moving to Chicago, Illinois. In Chicago, he completed his Masters in Visual Science and Doctor of Optometry, and practiced as an Optometrist.
"The Manitoba PC Party will be looking to bring positive change to areas such as health care and the economy," Rabb told the Winnipeg Jewish Review, noting that he believed that the winds of change are blowing through this province.
Since returning to Winnipeg, nine years ago, Rabb has become an active member in his family business, becoming General Manager of Winpark Dorchester Properties. As General Manager he manages over 4500 properties and 80 staff members, and has earned high recognition from his peers – including the Outstanding Community Service Award presented by PPMA. He says that "Winpark Dorchester is committed to the community by reviving housing stock and restoring apartment buildings, creating homes for thousands of people."
On the issue of the economy, Rabb says, “We also want to see the economy growing strong again – our economic growth is lagging our competitors in Western Canada. By doing things like joining the New West Partnership, we’ll be able to make a positive change there.”
Rabb has devoted many hours to helping change the lives of individuals facing addiction issues. Recognizing a lack of housing for individuals recovering from substance abuse Rabb founded Two Ten Recovery Inc. in September 2007. Since its inception Two Ten, "as it is affectionately called", has grown to three homes that help men and women recovering from substance abuse become active and contributing members of the community.
"After 11 years the NDP has built an enormous bureaucracy to run health care in this province, but the care isn't getting any better," he says. "Bureaucracy is strangling health care, not building it, and we want to change that."
Rabb has served as a Board Member for the Tamarack Rehabilitation Centre (2004 to 2007), the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (2007 to present), Niakwa Books (a publisher for Recovery related books) and as a participant in the Provincial Meth Task Force.
Rabb has participated in/or chaired fundraising endeavours for Children's Hospital Foundation, Health Science Centre Foundation, McDonald Youth Services and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Recently, Jewish Child and Family Services appointed him to serve on their Board of Directors.
He ran for City Council in the 2010 municipal election, finishing second against incumbant Jenny Gerbasi who was re-elected, but says he hopes to put that campaign experience to good use in the 2011 provincial election.
Rabb told the Winnipeg Jewish Review that he still hears from many members in the community about the increase in violent crime, and how the provincial NDP government is not taking any steps to address the concerns.
“The Fort-Garry Riverview is unique in its diversity and strength of community, but crime is a threat to this,” he said. “The tired NDP government is not taking the issue seriously, and I think it speaks to how they take Winnipeg neigbhourhoods like this one for granted.”
Rabb believes he has a variety of life experiences that will make him a strong asset to Hugh McFadyen’s team at the Manitoba Legislature.
“I’ve seen the NDP machine first hand in the city council election, so I know it will take a lot of hard work,” said Rabb. “But I think I built a strong foundation with my run for City Council. I’ve made a lot of strong connections with people in the constituency, and it will help a lot as we work to bring vision, change and progress to the people of Fort Garry Riverview.”
Anyone wishing to view his website can go to: Ian Rabb: Fort Garry - Riverview