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Chaim (Hart) Peikoff

The People have spoken - Federal Election 2011

Chaim (Hart) Peikoff, May 10, 2011

Prime Minister Harper received the confidence of 40 % of the popular vote where he won 167 seats. The NDP as a result of the serene and charisma of Jack Layton are now the official opposition winning 102 seats. The Liberals were no competition. They actually require redefining of their party and what they stand for.
Well here is hoping the Honorable Jack Layton can influence and draw out the compassion from the heart, soul and intellect of Prime Minister Harper. This is not magic: Actually 60 % of the popular vote passed on Harper. This leaves many Canadians unhappy with this outcome. Much will become clearer to Canadians within approximately 2 weeks when Harper tables his budget.

Prime Minister Harper has promised there will be no surprises.
My grasp on this election which now is being brought forth after the election results are history, was clear to me before the final results were calculated.
The Honorable Michael Ignatieff’s body language, facial expressions and hand positioning is a part of the reason the party was annihilated. More so he simply did not create credibility with the Canadian citizens who are exhausted from bearing witness to ongoing adversarial politics and promises broken from all parties in the past and present. The promises Ignatieff made were over the top costly. And even though he stated he would make the corporations pay their fair share of taxes his multi-billion dollar promises, if acted upon, would have increased the tax base of Mr. and Mrs. Average Canadian. From press reports, Mr. Ignatieff did not have the dignity to phone Harper and offer him congratulations on his earned victory. This alone speaks volumes of the man who had his sights on the Prime Minister's office. Remember this was a press release and at times they err.
The Liberals require a leader with charisma who projects himself on television as full of integrity and creates a truthful and believable long term vision for our wonderful country.

And the other component to this election which delivered Mr. Harper a majority government was that the Bloc constituents simply lost faith in the Bloc Quebecois and were attracted to the persona Layton presented. I do not think my perception is wrong, but I also wait on edge to see if Mr. Harper will conduct himself using honorable democratic principles.
I only voted for the Conservatives once before in my youthful life of age 67. 

The Prime Minister then was Mr. Brian Mulroney. He came to power by beating up John Turner in a memorable debate when he said to John, “You Sir are no Jack Kennedy.” That statement set Turner aside and Mulroney stepped easily into the Prime Minister's seat.
I was in the Garment Industry working for Fancy Ass Jeans at the time as stylist and sales manager reporting to the owner, a brilliant man-- the late Eddy Cowan and his partner Tony Siragusa. Fancy Ass was one of the hottest Blue Jean Lines for women of its time  [1980 onward]. Free trade discussions were on the table between Canada and the USA.  Trying to negotiate with the USA was like jumping into bed with an elephant.
I voted for the Conservatives because they were devoted to bringing a level playing field visa vis free trade between the countries. The USA negotiators were much stronger than our Canadian counterparts. It ended up with the Garment Industry being compromised giving other Canadian Industry a slight benefit. What actually occurred was the piece goods Canadian Manufactures purchased from the USA was now taxed upon entry to Canada. This alone made our product more expensive. At that time most of the Blue Jean cotton business and superior denim was imported from the USA.
Reva Rich from Richlu Sportswear then was in Ottawa often fighting for our survival. Cudos to Richlu Sportswear for surviving in a playing field that is beyond tough! They are owned and managed by David Rich and his son Gavin to the beautiful tune of “success.”
The reasons I changed parties and voted for Prime Minister Harper was as a result of the volatile and dangerous world we live in today. My gut feeling including my intellect sent me messages which told me now may not the time to be changing governments. While I did not agree with some of Mr. Harper's policies such as following George Bush's direction and building more prisons and taxing the corporations not justly; the world’s instability made me fall on the side of the Conservatives. As well Harper was a true blue friend to Israel and always voted in their best interest. In fact Canada lost their seat at the UN security table as a result of Harper’s Israeli positioning. Israel can take care of itself. However there is no harm in having other countries on the side of the only democracy in the Middle East. And Israel is looking pretty good considering the amazing changes occurring in Egypt, Syria, and Libya.

We also must give more consideration and action to the heartbreak in Africa. Making certain our assistance falls into the hands of the citizens we are attempting to lend a hand is PLAN # 1. 
I am concerned now that the elections are over and real world action begins how Prime Minister Harper and his policies will unfold considering the real needs of Canadians. He has his majority and I trust he will act like a benevolent dictator. Here are some examples:
*Keeping our economy stable so we can create meaningful jobs for Canadians who have the qualifications. Reward meritocracy for both women and men.

*Fixing the revolving door which now does occur in the world of those who self medicate to kill emotional pain. This is a two fold problem; mental health coupled with addiction. This requires all disciplines working together with Government to create a long term plan which will deliver healthy results. On a pragmatic level these humans who move into wellness will become a part of our tax revenue base.

*Adjustments to immigration where respectable hard working immigrants have years of struggle ahead of them now to bring their safe law abiding families to this country. History records these immigrants become amazing Canadians.

*We must eliminate Racism of all kinds and as well anti-Semitism. There is no place in this world for such ignorance and disrespect. Correcting this issue alone will produce results which will create a world we now only dream of.

*If you do the crime you must be held accountable. However, building more prisons is not the answer. It is proven in the USA. It is simply not working. They are cancer cells which create more insanity and barbarian action. Spend billions on long term education giving families and youth the tools to succeed in life.

*Harper has promised increased payments to seniors living at the poverty zone.

*Harper has also promised increases in transfer payments to the provinces specifically targeted at bettering health care.

*He has also promised to avoid reintroducing debates on the topics of abortion and gay marriage rights. While I disagree with these policies I am not homophobic and a deal has been written into law and the legal commitment must be kept in the same legal format.

*Creating first world conditions in Aboriginal Communities. And most important is to work with these communities to elevate their lifestyles while maintaining their cultural base.

*And out of concern for my children and their children we must commit to a more respectful plan to help our planet survive the environmental disasters which I predict will continue. Look at Lake Manitoba.

*And while I am not a socialist I do believe the Corporations have a moral duty to pay their fair share of taxes. Prime Minister Harper, I would rethink your voiced opinion on the direction you are going to travel in this arena.

* 80 % approximately of all jobs created in Canada come from small business. They deserve, have earned and require tax relief.
It would be constructive to hear the thoughts of others in our community.
I will remain in a sanguine mind set until proven otherwise. Believe me, I am not afraid to voice my opinion. And I will leave you with this simple thought: “It is only my opinion.”  However I am certain many others believe much of the above which I have identified.
HERE HERE to Canada continuing to be a country of hope and enlightenment for the world to see and copy.

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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