Immigration promotion is one of the major strategies undertaken through the GrowWinnipeg Initiative of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg in order to increase the Jewish population of Winnipeg.
The focus of the community investment is on facilitating access to this immigration system and then welcoming and integrating the newly arrived Jews into our community.
We’ve received more than 2000 families from different countries such as ike Argentina, México, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, South Africa, Moldova, Germany, Venezuela, US, etc.
We are continuing our work towards a vibrant Winnipeg Jewish Community.
On June 12 we will celebrate our growing community and welcome new families.
Please join us in the Garden at the Asper Jewish Community Campus on Sunday June 12, 2011, for our Barbeque. There is no charge and there are prizes!
Rain out alternative: MultiPurpose Room