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Anthony Weiner, Sex and Jewish Woman: Lets Have a Weiner Roast

Is there a Saudia Arabia connection ?

by Rhonda Spivak, June 16, 2011

By now readers have heard about  Democratic Congressman  Anthony Weiner who sent lewd facebook and text messages back and forth  with a Vegas blackjack dealer Lisa Weiss, a former Democratic Party Worker. Weiner had  been married less than a month when he started heavily flirting with Weiss online. 
Weiner asked Weiss if she  enjoyed oral sex and when she  replied “I love doing it” he responded, 
"wow a jewish girl who sucks [bleep]!". ( Read more of their exchange in the New York Post:
Ilana Angel in an article in the  Jewish Journal  has  written in response to Weiner’s remark about Jewish women which has gotten a lot of traction . (As an aside,has it dawned on readers how humorous it is that the Congressman’s last name is Weiner—sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.) Angel's article can be found at

Angel writes: 

"I read an article yesterday in The Atlantic  by Jeffrey Goldberg.... It got me thinking about the stereotypes of sex with Jewish women, and I felt the need to share my two cents since I am a Jewish woman, so let’s talk sex.

"It is reported... Weiner was surprised to find that the Jewish woman he was conversing with was not only willing to give him fellatio, but was proud of her skills, and also her enjoyment of the act.  Apparently he thought Jewish chicks don’t roll that way.


"Weiner’s wife Huma Abedin has some tough choices to make.  Does she forgive her husband for behaving badly?  He never touched anyone, has had no sex, but rather just made a series of dumb choices...

"Was Weiner’s Jewish penis simply craving a Jewish girl?  His wife is not Jewish, so was he missing out on something?  Did he ruin his life because he thought banging a Jewish chick would be awesome?  I am Jewish, but any sexual talents I have are not because of my faith.

 "Mr. Goldberg did not want to discuss what Jewish women do or do not do in bed, but I will.  Jewish women are just like any other women.  There are some who like things wild and others who are quite missionary in their views. They can be talented, frigid, giving, or selfish, just like all women.

"I think Jewish women are sexy.  Some of my most sexually aware and experimental girlfriends are Jewish and while I have personally never slept with a Jewish woman, to assume that Jewish women are not good in bed is correct.  We are much better than good, we are beyond fantastic.

"I know one of the women Weiner was talking to was Jewish, and knew he was married man, but as a porn star, she was researching her role in the movie “The Sexting Congressman”, which you know she is going make,  so one could applaud her entrepreneurial Jewish spirit no?

"I am sure there are prim and proper Mormons who can swing from the rafters, and Jewish chicks that dress provocatively but hate to be touched. Women are different, and while religion may alter our views of sex, it does not necessarily effect our talents, desires, or fantasies.

"I can tell you that even though I am Jewish,  there have been occasions of such pleasure, that I saw Jesus floating above me.  Sex is a powerful thing and when done right, can and will inspire faith in a profound but not necessarily religious way.  Amen!

"The truth is Jewish women are fabulous.  By fabulous I mean educated, independent, sexy, funny, kind, and loving.  It’s a shame that more Jewish men are not interested in Jewish women. Interfaith marriages are common because, in my opinion, Jewish men do not appreciate Jewish ladies.

"Goldberg got it right when he wrote that perhaps “Jewish men are intimidated by these superstar Jewish women.”  I am not suggesting all Jewish men should marry Jewish women, I’m just saying Jewish men should not rule out Jewish women because they think we are a certain way.

'As a single woman in my 40’s who dates, I meet many wonderful Jewish men who married non-Jews, had kids, got divorced, and now their kids have no connection to Judaism.  They married thinking faith was not important, only to find out after their divorces that they feel a loss.

"At the end of the day all I know for sure is that I wish Weiner and his wife well, Jewish women rock in the sack, I have a crush on Jeffrey Goldberg, and when it comes to sex, all women, regardless of their religion, need to be brave, own their sexuality, and keep the faith."

On a political note, President Obama has suggested that Weiner ought to resign (saying that if  he were in Weiner's position he would resign.) It's interesting to speculate whether Obama, had he been asked at the time, would have said Bill Clinton ought to have resigned after his Monica Lewinsky chapter.??  

What makes this case, dubbed "Weinergate"  especially interesting is that Weiner is known to be right-wing when it comes to Israeli and Middle East politics, and in 2007  Representative Weiner introduced in Congress the Saudi Arabia Accountability Act, designed to "halt Saudi support for institutions that fund, train, incite, encourage, or in any other way aid and abet terrorism, and to secure full Saudi cooperation in the investigation of terrorist incifdents."

Weiner  also at one time endorsed the  Zionist Organization of America's position of being against a two state solution.

Weiner was also not shy about criticising his own Democratic President, Barack Obama,  saying he went “too far" in regard to settlements  by opposing building for Jewish “natural growth” in the West Bank.

Weiner and Obama likley do not  to see eye to eye on Israel.Given this, Obama may  have little or no reason to want to ensure that Weiner remains a Congressman. Some commentary  I have read suggests that the White House is secretly quite pleased this happened to Weiner as it is a way of getting rid of  one of Israel's most stalwart Democratic supporters in Congress. This could explain why Obama chose to suggest that Weiner ought to resign rather  than say it was a personal decision for he and his wife to make.

The other striking aspect about this case is  that Weiner, who brought in the Saudia Arabia Accountability Act, chose to marry a Muslim whose family re-located to Saudi Arabia from Michigan when she was two years old. After spending her formative years in Saudia Arabia she returned to the United States to attend university. Weiner's wife has been reported to be one of Hillary Clinton's top aides.

There are theories floating around the internet that Weiner's wife sought out Weiner as part of Saudia Arabia's strategy to keep  tabs on him and neutralize his harsh stance vis a vis Saudia Arabia, after he introduced the Saudi Arabia Accountability Act.

I have no idea if there is any truth to any of these theories--but it makes for interesting speculation. Weiner

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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