[Editor's note: This letter below is written by Caspian Makan, the fiance of the slain woman Neda Agha-Soltan, whose face became the international symbol of protest against the Iranian regime. He has written to the Secretary General of the UN this week asking him to recognizee June 20th as International Neda Day-a day which represents the Iranian people's popular democratic protests and their quest for freedom against a brutal dictatorship, and violator of human rights.]
Dear Honourable Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,
Re: International Neda Day
As you are aware, two years ago the world watched in sorrow as a human being was murdered in the streets of Tehran. The victim was a young innocent woman who was only asking for human rights. On June 20, 2009, during the public protest against the evident fraud that took place during the presidential election in Iran, Neda Agha-Soltan was shot by the Islamic regime’s guards, and her death shocked the world. Neda Agha-Soltan has become the symbol of freedom for Iranians and for people around the world.
The Islamic Regime in Iran, a dictatorship, was established by lies and by people’s blood. For 32 years, its leaders have deprived youth and women of their basic human rights, and the Regime has practiced inhuman behaviour toward them in the name of religion. Imprisonment, torture, rape, and the murder of thousands of people who are buried in unknown cemeteries, and graves, due to their ideologies and beliefs, are significant examples of these crimes. The authoritarian Islamic regime has always used different inhumane methods to ensure its survival, and to maintain its benefits. In order to conceal its crimes, this regime uses intense censorship, confines media, and arrests the intellectuals of the society such as, professors, students, journalists, artists, lawyers, and even those who work within its system. The result of these practices has been to transform Iran, a country with a beautiful rich history, into a prison. However, all of these crimes are not sufficient for the leaders of the Islamic regime. In order to extend their power, they have collaborated with other similar regimes to make international terrorist attacks and violate the security of the region. As it becomes increasingly apparent that the Islamic regime is hatching a plan for world sovereignty, the Iranian people’s problem becomes an international problem that needs the help and support of people everywhere. Certainly, the emancipation of Iranians from despotism is the key to freedom, peace, and stability for all people around the world.
Since 2009, the world has watched the cruel suppression, and murder, of defenseless people in Iran. In the midst of this slaughter, Neda’s death reveals the true face of the Islamic regime, and shows how it lacks any respect for human rights and freedoms. Courageously, and with eyes wide open, Neda stepped forward to request freedom. The price that she paid was death. Neda’s sacrifice has come to symbolize the sacrifice of all of the victims of the national uprising against their oppressors. Neda bravely requested freedom and she accepted death so that people everywhere could receive emancipation. The moment of Neda’s death was the birth of enlightenment for people and the death of dictatorship regimes. Let us call June 20, International Neda Day. On this day, not only Iranians, but all of the freedom-loving people of any race and colour will stand united in their desire to abolish inhumane governments. It will be an opportunity for people everywhere to pause, and to thoughtfully reflect, on the need for security and equality for every human being on the planet. In the memory of Neda, who died so that people could enjoy a better life, this day is a day to shout these universal aims:
I hope that you will endeavour to change, and complete, global human rights laws to be adopted to all the nations in the world.
End the killing of humans by humans; let there be no murders, no executions; and finally, let there be an end to war.
Yours truly,
Caspian Makan
Writer, Political And Pro-Democracy Activist
Founder of the Campaign for Change and
Completion of Global Human Rights Laws
"End The Killing of Human by Human"