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Karla Berbrayer, Artistic director Music N Mavens
photo by Rhonda Spivak



I just had a chance to look at the upcoming  line up for the Rady JCC’s Music n’ Mavens program this season, and I can’t figure out how Artistic Director Karla Berbrayer manages to create such a  smorgasbord  of  concerts and lectures rolled into one dynamic series  that takes place every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00 o’clock  from  January 10 to March 8.
In fact, the line- up is so scrumptious that I daresay snowbirds might want to cancel their trips south not to miss the series. Others may want to take early retirement so they don’t have to sneak away from work to attend.
There’s sure to be a buzz around the upcoming talk by Taz Stuart on January 24.He’s the kind of speaker you’ll be itchin’ to hear. His topic is sure to be infectious because Taz is Winnipeg’s Entomoligist--- the City’s Mosquito Man. As manager of the largest mosquito control program in Canada, when he tells someone to bug off he means it! If you’re running late,  don’t worry. You can sit in the front row; Taz doesn’t bite. He’s a nice critter.
On January 25, the day after  Taz’s lecture , Berbrayer has  lined up an aboriginal drumming group called Loud Thunder, made up of a husband and wife and their eight children. I can’t figure out is why Loud Thunder is the day after Taz. Usually, it thunders and rains first and then the mosquitoes arrive; not the other way around!
On February 28, we’ll be entertained by Tropical 99. I assumed “Tropical 99” was a new sun-tan lotion, but I was wrong. It’s a Latin band with conga, salsa, bugalu (and buga me too) and a 12 piece orchestra. Don't ask me why they aren't called Tropical 12 instead of Tropical 99. I don't know what happened to the other 87 of them! But the Rady JCC is sure to be hoppin’, especially if Taz lets out the mosquitoes that day).
Also featured on the menu are 26 Dancing Nomads—which should be pretty popular with a Jewish crowd. After wandering through the desert for 40 years, these Nomads should be child’s play for us Yiddin.
I am puzzled most by the lecture scheduled for February 7. Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht, a University of Manitoba Kinesiology professor and specialist on how to escape a sinking vehicle will be speaking on what to do if your car is sinking in water. Personally, I don’t see what the big deal is. If your car is sinking in water, take the bus!
The cost for six concerts is 30 bucks for Rady members and 50 bucks for non members. Preferred seating (next to me) is an additional 30 bucks for members and 50 bucks for non-members.
As Karla Berbrayer says, "Circle your calendars now!" Ready, Set, Circle!!!
On a serious note: If you would like to be a roving mystery reviewer and are willing to provide a written review of one of the concerts for the Winnipeg Jewish Review, please contact [email protected].
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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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