The following letter was received by Simkin Centre residents yesterday. The leadership review conducted by Peter Kafka of the Louis Brier home in Vancouver as part of the review of the Simkin Centre [which was mandated by the PPCO investigation into the dealth of Lillian Peck] has been shared with the Simkin Centre Board and Staff. The full 10 page report with its 34 recommendations will be posted on the Simkin Centre website today. Those wishing to see it can check here; If its not posted check back shortly]
November 24, 2011
Kafka Report
Today the Board of Directors of the Saul and Claribel Simkin Centre, the Board, as well as Senior Executives of both the Winnipeg Regional Health authority (WRHA) and Manitoba Health received Mr. Peter Kafka’s External Review of the leadership of the Centre, including communications.
The Final Report will be distributed tomorrow to staff, residents, and families, as well as being made available publicly (through the WRHA and Simkin Centre websites). We will be scheduling a meeting for interested residents and family members as soon as possible in order to answer any questions about the Report or next steps. Representatives of both Manitoba Health and the Winnipeg Health Region will be present at that meeting, where an update on the ongoing implementation of the quality Improvement Plan will also be provided.
The Report is ten pages long and contains 34 recommendations that cover a wide range of topics as a result, it will take the Board, in conjunction with the WRHA and Manitoba Health , a while to develop a complete and comprehensive action plan, We remain committed to keeping you informed as we move forward developing the action plan and implementing it.
In the interim, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Harvey Kinsman or Alanna Kull at (204) 589-9014. If your issues are more regional in nature, please contact the WRHA’s Executive Director of the Personal Care Home Program, Gina Trinidad at 831-2968,
We appreciate your support and look forward to working together collaboratively to continue to improve the care and services we provide at the Centre.
Jonathan Kroft Phyllis Spigelman
Co-Chair, Governance Committee Board Chair