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Jan Currie


Kroft says decision not to go though formal advertising process was good decision under the circumstances

by Rhonda Spivak, December 15, 2011

The Simkin centre announced the hiring of Jan Currie as an interim CEO on a half time basis on December 13, 2011 until March 30, 2012. The position for  an interim CEO was not advertised anywhere.

As Bill Brownstone, Acting Chair of the Board of Directors, wrote in a letter to residents and family:

 "Jan comes to us with an extensive nursing background and an exceptional track record in health care. Her career includes stints as Vice President & Chief Nursing Officer with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, and as Executive Director of the Deer Lodge Centre.

'She is also an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Manitoba.

"She retired from the WRHA in 2009. In retirement, Jan has worked on a couple of assignments as a health care consultant and is also an active volunteer. Jan will be working with us on a half-time basis. We are grateful that she is willing and able to start working with us later this week.


"I’d like to thank Chairperson Linda Hughes and the Selection Committee for their hard

work. They were assisted and advised by consultant Elaine Todres from Toronto. Ms.
Todres is a former Deputy Minister in Ontario; a former member of the senior
management team of the Baycrest Centre; and President of the Baycrest Centre
Foundation. Ms. Todres’s participation in the selection process was invaluable and we are grateful for her expertise."

 Charlie Sitwell, who was one of the three candidates interviewed for the position of Acting CEO at the Simkin Centre was asked by the Winnipeg Jewish Review as to whether he was told in the interview process that they were looking for a half time position. He answered, "No. They said little." He went on to say that he was approached by the  Chair of the Search Committee to ask if he would consider being interviewed for an Acting CEO position while Sandra Delorme was on Sick leave. He understood he would be one of several people interviewed. He said there was no more information in terms of how long the term would be or other specifics.

After agreeing to being considered, Sitwell says  he received a "brief" list of responsibilities prior to the interview [this job description is set out at the end of this article]  He says he had requested additional information for the interview and was told he would not need any.

According to Sitwell, at the interview, it was again emphasized that this was a short term position while Sandra Delorme was on sick leave.

When asked if he was told whether the interim CEO would be able to apply to become a permanent CEO, Sitwell says this was not addressed.


Jan Currie  is clearly a well qualified candidate and could well be an excellent choice. The questions I sent below to the Simkin Centre  are questions which in my view ought to be raised here in regard to process. The Winnipeg Jewish Review  sent an email to  Bill Brownstone, acting Chair, and Heidi Graham of the WHRA with the following questions on December 13:

1. Where if at all, was this posiiton for Interim CEO advertised?

2. If it was not advertised, how is that in keeping with the recommendations of the Kafka report, which emphasize transparency, and putting in place proper processes (for governance, hiring, evaluation of  CEO)

3. Does the Board anticipate Sandra Delorme will be returning in March 2012 from medical leave? 

4. If not, with the  interim CEO Currie be able to apply to be hired as the CEO in the future?

Heidi Graham, Director Media Relations WHRA esponded the same day:

"The decision about who to hire as interim CEO was made by the Board of Directors of The Simkin Centre and so all inquiries should be directed to them."

In answer to queries by the Winnipeg Jewish Review as to why the job of acting CEO was not advertised, Jonathan Kroft, spokesperson for the Simkin Board, said that the selection of an acting CEO is an interim measure to deal with an immediate need and the process had to be carried out on a timely basis. Potential candidates had to be available to take the position in Winnipeg immediately. Kroft said that the decision not to go through a formal advertising process was "a judgement call" that he felt was "reasonable" and "good" since it would have created delay and the Centre had the opportunity to "put an excellent person in place immediately". He said the committee and the Board considered many factors and decided that this was the appropriate route to take.

When asked about whether Delorme has given an anticipated return date, he said he is not aware of a specific return date. Graham has written to the Winnipeg Jewish Revew that "It is our understanding that the  CEO [Delorme] is on "an indefinate leave."

Kroft said that Jan Currie has advised that she is not looking for a permanent position and so he did not expect she would apply to become the permanent CEO in the event Sandra Delorme does not return from medical leave. He said the date of March 31, 2012 was chosen as the term of Currie's contract based on her being able to commit to that time frame and also on what the Centre felt its immediate needs were.

When asked if Currie would be available to continue as interim CEO past March 31, 2012, should Delorme not be back by then, Kroft said that this possibility would have to be explored at the time, although she had made it clear that she is not interested in a long-term position as CEO.

When asked why the position as interim CEO was not full time rather than half time, Kroft responded that this was a decision made based on the available time that Currie has and what the Centre felt its needs were.
Kroft confirmed that Delorme's job as CEO is a full time position. The Board at this time has decided not to hire a full time acting CEO.
According to Kroft, the Board considered potential contingencies and that they would be considered more fully depending on what the future holds.
A question I raise for readers to consider is : In the event Sandra Delorme concludes her medical leave and intends to return to work, does the  Board of the Simkin Centre  back her to return to this position as CEO? . During the  last  AGM on October 25, 2011, the  Simkin Board has consistently said it has confidence in Delorme to return to the position, pursuant to her contract and which was extended for 5 years beginning January 2011 ]

An issue that I think is worth considering is whether in fact Simkin Centre requires a full time interim CEO, not a part time CEO. Sandra Delorme was working on a full time basis as CEO, and it is very difficult for me to conceive that the workload in running the home has been reduced, especially given the  number of  improvements suggested in the 26 Standards Review and the need to make improvements in the  integrated care standard which the  Centre did not pass. I am wondering whether behind the scense the decison to hire only on a part time basis was made for financial reasons, to cut costs?  Or was this decision made because the Centre wanted to hire Currie over the other two candidates and she was only available half- time.

Position Summary [Prepared and Aprroved by Search Committee Nov 20, 2011]

Specific Responsibilities:
A. Board and External Partners

 1. Implements Board policies and ensures compliance.

2. Ensures that there is effective communication amongst the Board, management, medical staff, professional and support staff, clients and their families.

 3. Supports the Board in community, media and public relations.

4. Acts as a liaison with external agencies to enhance the level of service provided by the Centre.

 5. Responsible for Government relations/liaison.

6. Attends all Board and Committees of the Board meetings as required.

 7. Advises and reports to the Board in regard to the operations of the organization.

8. Coordinates Board meetings and prepares information and reports for the Board and its Committees.

 9. Approves all contracts and capital expenditures.

 B. Organization

Identifies priority issues and ensures appropriate action according to Board policy within the following areas:

1. Required services are provided within the approved budget.

2. Human Resource issues within the organization.

3. Meeting and maintaining standards for services that are established by licensing bodies, professional organizations and the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation and measurement of practice against these standards.

4. Provision of adequate continuing education programs for staff.

 5. Planning, implementation and evaluation of quality, risk and utilization management.

6. Provision of a safe environment for clients, visitors, staff and associates and safe practices exist in the Centre.

 7. Purchasing of supplies.accordance with the Mission of the Sharon Home Inc., the position is responsible for the administration, planning, direction and coordination of all activities of the Simkin Centre subject to the policies and directives of the Board of


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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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