OTTAWA, ON – Today, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs was made aware of an editorial in a British Columbia newspaper, The Link, entitled “Racism, Capitalism, and Zionism are the Worst Cancers Affecting the World” by Dr. Sawraj Singh. The column is replete with conspiracy theories and makes numerous offensive statements concerning Jews and Israel. In addition to repeatedly referring to Zionism as “cancer”, it charges that “Jews were and still are able to monopolize most of the academic and intellectually demanding positions” in America.
In response, David Koschitzky, Chair of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, issued the following statement:
“We deplore this hateful column and call on The Link to immediately remove it from online, publish a retraction, and issue an apology. It does the Indo-Canadian community, which has been and remains such a valuable contributor to Canada, no credit for one of its key community newspapers to be spreading such disturbing lies, including antisemitic conspiracy theories.
“Among many distasteful corruptions of history, this article uses historic antisemitic accusations – including the depiction of the Jewish people as power-hungry, and even a disease – to attack the world’s only Jewish state and its supporters. This is an alarming example of the convergence of anti-Zionism and antisemitism, starkly displayed as a leading editorial in a Canadian newspaper.”
The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is the voice of the organized Jewish and pro-Israel communities in Canada, including for those issues formerly handled by the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canada-Israel Committee, and the Quebec-Israel Committee.
Editor's note: To read the full Text of “Racism, Capitalism, and Zionism are the Worst Cancers Affecting the World” by By Dr. Sawraj Singh (Posted online on January 7, 2012 ), click here:
Excerpts from this vile article :
" The American contribution to the two cancers of racism and capitalism is that it added the third cancer, the cancer of Zionism, to the other two. America has out-performed its European ancestors by becoming the most cancerous society in the world as far as Racism, Capitalism and Zionism are concerned. Why did the cancer of Zionism spread to America? The answer can be found in the American history. The American whites are different than their European ancestors. The bulk of American whites were made from the people who could not make it in Europe. They were underachievers. The other category was the criminals and undesirable people who the Europeans wanted to get rid of. Whereas Australia was an openly-declared penal colony, America, for all practical purposes, was considered a penal colony by the Europeans. The Jews were and still are able to monopolize most of the academic and intellectually demanding positions. It is very interesting to compare the percentage of Jews amongst doctors, attorneys, university professors, and scientists in America to any European country, and even to Canada. The truth is that the Jews are represented in far greater numbers in these professions than their population in America (the same is becoming true of the Indians now). The result of this situation is that America has taken an anti-Islamic, anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab stand, as compared to Europe or Canada. The European and the Canadian policies towards the Jews and Arabs (Muslims) have been relatively more balanced than America."
" The present economic crisis has shown that American hegemony and the American Era are coming to an end very soon, most likely in the second decade of the twenty-first century. The world is finally going to be free from the cancers of Racism, Capitalism, and Zionism. Finally, we are going to enter a new phase where all people, regardless of their race, religion, caste, region, country, color, ethnicity, socio-economic status, or political orientation will be considered equal."
Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice. He can be reached [email protected]