We are six spicy women, who meet every Friday morning, on the bustling square in central Netanya, for coffee and Danish. Some of our members are new olim and others have been here for many years. Five of us hail from Canada and one from South Africa, but we often entertain visitors to the group from Ireland, England, America and elsewhere.
We are all retired from our various careers and are now able to relax and enjoy life and where better then in Netanya, a really beautiful cosmopolitan city situated on the Mediterranean coast!
We named our group "The Spice Girls of Netanya" and each member chose to be identified by a spice, which they felt best suited their personality. The name and the spices, capture the nature of this gathering, which although composed of retirees, have a distinctly youthful spirit!
At our meetings, we share information about the latest events taking place in Netanya, discuss interesting books recently read, or lectures, talks, plays and concerts attended.
We have a strong link with the AACI (Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel), which is particularly active in Netanya. This organization arranges speakers on interesting topics, concerts, plays, field trips, and many other activities for English speakers.
We decide which of these may be of interest to us and review those events in which members have participated. Above all, we have a lot of fun and enjoy the wonderful feeling of freedom that being in Israel inspires.
We all do volunteer work in various fields in the community, whether it be teaching English to young Israelis, working in libraries of welfare organizations, Synagogue events, Hadassah, and others.
Anyone attending our meetings would immediately recognize how different we all are. What has brought us together, is our enjoyment of living in Israel, our pride in the achievements of this country and our recognition that only in Israel is it possible for people at this stage in their lives, with such disparate backgrounds, to meet, bond, and enjoy the spice of life
[Editor's note: The former Careers of the Spice Girls are as follows: the nurse, teacher, finance and library technician are from Montreal; the dental hygienist is from Toronto; and the social worker from Johannesburg, South Africa.]