McNally Robinson has asked me to teach a class, based on my recent book NOW I KNOW THE WORLD IS ROUND:STORIES AT THE END OF LIFE
I hope some of you will be able to join me in May for this course.
Mary Louise Chown
These Brilliant Threads: Stories at the End of Life
This course will be of interest to those seeking a greater understanding of how to listen, communicate and help people who are nearing the end of life. Whether you are someone helping a good friend, a caregiver for someone in your family, a storyteller, a decision-maker in a health-care setting, someone who trains volunteers, or a spiritual care provider, this class will help you gain practical skills in listening, learning how to shape your own stories, and reflecting on how people's life stories tell us about what is truly important in life.
Mary Louise will tell a myth or folk tale in each class and a discussion will take place on how it links with your own life. You will also be able to practice some of your own story listening and telling. Mary Louise will share her significant experiences telling stories to patients, family and those with life threatening illness. You will learn how she listens and helps people shape their own stories. There is a power in stories, be they the ancient folk tales or the story of one's own life. We are enriched when we come to know the shape of our own story and when we take time to listen to the stories of those we love and work with.
May 2, May 9, May 16, May 23
Time: 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Cost: $100 including continental breakfast
To register, contact
Barb King
McNally Robinson Booksellers
[email protected]
voice (204) 453-0424 ext 250