Grade Eight and Students at Gray Academy placed first in Manitoba overall and second in Canada in the Canadian National Math League Competition.
The competition involves some 480 participating schools across Canada, with approx. 12000 students who write the in school standardaized test. "Seventy of our students wrote the test. This year both the grade seven and grade eight Gray Academy students got all the top five spots in Manitoba. We of course are very proud of all of our students", Rory Paul CEO of Gray Academy told the Winnipeg Jewish Review.
Students practice with their teacher an hour a day for a month leading up to the test and use tests from 10-12 years prior to study. Some students practice additionally on their own.
Math teacher Jamie Kagan says: "Students get to compete in sports and arts competitions all the time, but events like the Canadian National Math League Competition give the more academically inclined students their chance to shine in a competitive situation."
This year, grade seven student Braden Ganetsky (who is alsoknown for his acting flair) certainly came out shining. He earned the number one placement in Canada for Grade 7 students.
Gray Academy in general has been ranking very well in both Manitoba and Canada. Last year, our grade eight students placed first in Canada.
Below are the terrific results, with individual and school rankings:
1st in Manitoba overall
2nd in Canada overall
Top five in Manitoba:
1. Braden Ganetsky (1st in Canada)
2. Yael Ripstein (9th in Canada)
3. Sari Glow (18th in Canada)
4. Erin Rubin
5. Matthew Slusky
1st in Manitoba overall
4th in Canada overall
Top five in Manitoba:
1. Stephanie Kalo (18th in Canada)
2. Harry Cohen
3. Maxine Jacobsohn
4. Jason Cohen
5. Dov Corne