Palestinian Media Watch: EU-Funded PA TV Program: Suicide Terrorists Are Greatest Role Models
and UN-Supported Palestinian Puppet Show:
June 12, 2012
EU-Funded PA TV Program: Suicide Terrorists Are "Greatest Role Models" - Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Last week, Israel transferred the bodies of 91 terrorists including numerous suicide bombers to the Palestinian Authority. A PA TV program for youth, co-produced by PYALARA, an NGO funded by the EU, Save the Children and other international donors, glorified the 91 terrorists, saying: "They are the greatest role models for us." (Palestinian Media Watch)
See also UN-Supported Palestinian Puppet Show: "Replace Cigarettes with Machine Guns" - Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
A Palestinian NGO, the Burj Luq-Luq Social Center Society, funded by UNICEF, UNESCO, the French consulate, and other international donors, performed a puppet show for children in east Jerusalem to promote non-smoking. The puppet told the children: "Jerusalem doesn't need men who hold cigarettes. It needs men who hold machine guns." (Palestinian Media Watch)