A documentary, made by Randy Guest about four Holocaust survivors is going to be shot in Winnipeg, and extras are needed to appear in the film, titled "UNDER THE SAME ROOF".
EXTRAS CASTING CALL for Historical Documentary
Date: Friday, June 29th
Location: TBD, Winnipeg Area
Examines the lives of 4 holocaust survivors, their stories, and the relativity of horror and experience. The film branches out to those whose lives the survivors have touched, the global implications, the importance of their stories being
passed along to and by future generations, and ultimatley, how we're all in on this together, - "under the same roof"
Type: Looking for extras to play Holocaust Victims OR Nazi Soldiers
• Extras will be needed for for one shoot day, Friday, June 29th. You will not be required for the full day, and may be present for parts of the day, if your schedule restrictions dictate.
• Food will be provided
• "Families" are needed - adults and children!!*
Please provide headshot and resume with interest to: [email protected]
FOR MORE DETAILS CALL: RANDY GUEST @ (204) 223-0556 OR (204) 942-5815