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Herzlia Synagogue Deal Not A Done Deal Yet-Some in Community Think Expanded Daycare ought to be at Campus-Rady JCC says more than one day care site okay

by Rhonda Spivak, post July 12, 2012 updated July 18, 2012

Although discussions between Herzlia Synagogue, the Jewish Federation and the Asper Campus are taking place concerning the possible sale of Herzlia Synagogue to the Asper Campus (with a view to housing 60 plus daycare spots at the synagogue building in exchange for 30 years of rent free usage for the synagogue), these plans are not a done deal.

Sources have told the Winnipeg Jewish Review that there are some within the Federation Board of Directors who are questioning the wisdom of housing 60 plus daycare spots in the Herzlia building because long term the campus building will need to be added onto,(to add classrooms) for the Gray Academy of Jewish Education anyways.This is the case since the enrollment at gray Academy has increased and the school is bursting at the seams.Once the campus is being added onto anyways, some within the Federation think  it makes sense to add an expanded daycare to the Asper Campus. If this were to happen, there would be no reason for the community to purchase the Herzlia Synagogue.

Sources have also told the Winnipeg Jewish Review that some within the community are saying it doesn't make sense long term to split up the daycare into two separate buildings (the Asper Campus building and the Herzlia building) as there will need to be programming done at the Campus with all the daycare kids together--without busing them back and forth.

In an email sent July 12, the Winnipeg Jewish Review asked CEO of the Jewish Federation Bob Freedman whether he could "confirm for the record that these [above] issues are in fact being raised and discussed" and also asked Freedman to "respond to any of these [above]concerns raised."

Freedman wrote in response: "All valid points. Bottom line, there is no deal yet and if we come to an agreement it will be subject to approval by the respective boards."


However Gail Waxman executive director of the Rady JCC says that these are not points of concern for the Rady JCC Board. She wrote an email saying:

"The Rady JCC Board has been working to expand child care for several years and is fully supportive all efforts that will assist the Rady JCC to do so.  The issues you describe are not ones that are being raised by the Rady JCC Board.   Looking at it from the perspective of providing the best quality care, we believe that is it most optimal to operate a daycare in the range of 60 - 70 children (excluding school age children). It is not uncommon for organizations, including other JCCs, to operate multiple daycares in different sites.  This ensures we can provide a quality program and gives us the ability to meet the needs of families located in a number of areas within the community."

The Winnipeg Jewish Review sent an email to  the President of Herzlia Synagogue asking him what Herzlia's plan of action will be in the event the deal to sell the Sybagogue to the community (with  the Asper Campus owning the asset)does not go through).

Hershfield responded on July 12, that " There are a number of alternatives but none of these have been discussed with the Shul Mermbership. Therefore I can not answer your inquiries more directly."


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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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