[Editor's note:As the world has become increasingly worried about the Assad regime using chemical weapons against its own people, I thought I would direct readers to an article by Alan Elsner written this summer in the Huffington Post.
Thankfully, the Assad regime never succeeded in developing nuclear weapons -- which in fact almost happened in 2007. Although Israel under Olmert and Barak never admitted to derailing Assad's nuke plans, it is known that Israel did in fact take the unilateral decision to stop Assad's nuclear drive.
Imagine how worried the international community would be, if there were some "loose nukes lying around" that Assad could get his hands on now.]
To read Elsner's important piece, "Thank Heaven (and Israel) that Syria's Assad Doesn't Have Nukes,"click here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alan-elsner/thank-heaven-and-israel_b_1719452.html