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Prof. Uzi Arad sets red lines for Obama Administration to adopt against Iran

Prof. Uzi Arad, a former national security adviser sets red lines for Obama Administration to adopt
Live interview – Israel Radio Reshet Bet noon news program 4 September 2012
[Translation by IMRA]

For recording:

Let's start in terms of goals. Until today the U.S. used terms that were not the most categorical that clearly indicated its determination.

1. It can be arranged for example that at the level of presidential declarations that it is said more explicitly that the U.S. will not accept and will use all of its resources in order to prevent a nuclear Iran and in no circumstances will neither accept or countenance the situation of a nuclear Iran.

2. It can act already to receive the authorization of Congress such that if the point is reached that all diplomatic measures are exhausted that it will act with force to achieve these goals (nuclear free Iran)

3. It is made clear that the military goal of the U.S. if it does launch an operation will not be to buy time but instead it will be explicitly declared by the president that the military goal is the permanent prevention of a nuclear armed Iran.

...But you asked about additional matters. If there would be operations in the field if the Iranians crossed red lines - such that if Iran were to cross those line that this would immediately cause the launching of American forces almost automatically.

And you are correct.

There are such instances. And they are already known. But the U.S. could state them explicitly and bring them to the attention of the Iranians.

For example:

1. Any uranium enrichment beyond 20% - which they are already doing. Any enrichment beyond that that is at a military level, 60% etc., will be considered crossing a red line and will immediately lead to action.

2. Any action to undermine supervision - The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) observers are there. They have equipment. They are supervising. Any action to undermine their supervision will be considered crossing a red line and immediately mean that the Iranians are moving forward.

3. The discovery of any secret enrichment facility not yet declared by the Iranians will be considered as incontrovertible evidence that they are moving forward such that also such a discovery will be considered the crossing of the red line

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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