I am so pleased to be the bearer of nice news about lice news. I can't tell you how much I was itching to open this email I got from Gray Academy, reprinted in full below about how families have donated so the Board of Jewish Education has now hired a Registered Nurse to do a lice check on pupils of the Jewish school system :
Well, I'm hoping that as a result of this great initiative I won't contract lice this year during Rosh Hashanah. Chances for my having a lice free Rosh Hashanah have improved by the fact that it looks like Gray Academy is going to begin its screening process, checking pupils' heads on Monday September 10.
I hope my children are checked in the first batch, so there is enough time to treat them before Rosh Hashanah.
If not, and they are found to have it, then I will have to consider what to make to take to my sister's for Erev Rosh Hashanah dinner. Maybe, I'll make some fried lice, lice pudding or light and fluffy lice knishes.
As it is my daughter came back from B.B. Camp this year two weeks ago with lice, and in the past she has come home with lice from Camp Massad. Obviously lice like Jewish campers.
p.s. for those who didn't receive this letter From Gray Academy, there is a very nice list at the bottom of it about how to treat lice and as a result of it I have just ordered an extra freezer--not to store kosher meat- but to freeze all hairbrushes in my house as a way of preventative lice control !
P.S.S.-It’s not entirely clear from the letter below if the heads of the WJBE staff are going to be checked by the Registered Nurse, in addition to the children. And of course, I have also noticed that there is no mention whether anyone will be checking the head of the Registered Nurse! Needless to say, I'm prepared to volunteer.
September 7, 2012 · 20 Elul 5772
Dear Parents and Staff,
This year, in an effort to be proactive, a number of families have donated money to enable the Winnipeg Board of Jewish Education to hire a Registered Nurse to do a head check for lice on our students. We are doing this to help prevent the spread of lice and to educate our students and families on lice treatment should it be required.
Your child will be checked by the Registered Nurse starting Monday, September 10. Classes will be called throughout the day to the student lounge on the second floor where the screening process will take place. We anticipate that this process will take more than one day. Students not seen the first day will be seen on another day.
Should the head check discover the presence of lice, parents will be notified to come and pick up their child and will be provided with information regarding the follow up treatment. If the head check proves to be clean, no notification will be given to the parents.
In an effort to control the spread of lice the WBJE encourages all parents to regularly check their children’s heads and to also encourage their children to not share hats and other articles of clothing.
Attached please find information from the Public Health Nurse of the Province of Manitoba regarding lice. Please keep the information available as it explains procedures to follow should lice ever appear.
Thank you for your cooperation. Together we can work to control the spread of lice in our school.
Rory Paul
Head of School and CEO
Head Lice Control Check List
Environmental Health – Factsheet
Check your child’s head for head lice every week using bright or natural lighting. If you find lice or nits, check the hair of other family members daily for two weeks. Do not treat anyone unless they have lice.
1. Brush hair thoroughly.
2. Before treating, wash hair thoroughly with shampoo free of conditioners and other additives. They may interfere with the lice product.
3. Read directions on lice product as some products are applied to damp or dry hair.
4. Shake lice product well.
5. Thoroughly saturate hair and scalp with sufficient amount of lice product (as indicated on product insert).
6. Leave on hair for period of time stated on product. For thicker, longer hair, you may want to double the time and/or amount of product.
7. Rinse hair well with water and towel dry.
8. Part hair into sections to assist with nit removal.
9. Remove all nits by pulling them off with your fingers (a nit comb may help).
This can take time but it is the most important step. Checking for and removing nits should be done daily for 14 days.
10. Repeat steps 1 - 9 in 7 days.
Use another head lice product if live lice are found within 24-48 hours after first treatment.
Immediately contact schools, child caregivers and any other persons who may have been exposed.
Your child can return to school or child care after the first treatment.
Call your public health nurse for advice if necessary.
Household Cleaning
1. Soak combs, brushes, hair clips in very hot water for 15 minutes.
2. Launder personal belongings (especially head gear), recently-worn clothing, towels and bed linen in hot water. Dry using hot cycle of the dryer.
3. Items that cannot be exposed to hot water should be either placed in a hot dryer for 20 minutes, frozen at -20oC for 24 hours, sealed in a plastic bag for 10 days or dry cleaned.
4. Vacuum or wash areas where there has been direct head contact (couch, bed, car seat).
If you have any concerns or questions, or have difficulty getting rid of head lice, contact your doctor, public health nurse or Health Links-Info Santé, Winnipeg at 788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888-315-9257; or access our website at www.gov.mb.ca/health .