On September 8th, over 100 Jewish university students converged on the Redwood Docks for the 2012 Hillel opening event sponsored by Federation’s Jewish Campus Life department. Hadera Short, one of the participants, shared her impression of the event.
I had the opportunity to attend my first ever Hillel event, coordinated by Avi Posen, a three hour cruise called “I’m on a Boat.” The Paddlewheel river boat was packed with over one hundred students for a night full of dancing, music, drinks, and laughter. I attended this boat cruise not just to dance all night, but to catch up and reminisce with people whom I had not seen in years! BBYO and Machon Madrichim stop after high school, but Hillel is bringing Jewish youth back together right now and for years to come. There’s something special about being surrounded by nearly every Jewish student your age, and everyone knowing one another. I could not have asked for a more enjoyable start to Hillel.
Hillel is one of the programs supported by the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, and funded by the Combined Jewish Appeal. If you haven’t yet made a contribution to this year’s annual campaign, please contact Federation at 204-477-7428 or visit jewishwinnipeg.org.