In what appears to be a tight race between Obama and Romney, the Jewish vote in states such as Ohio and Florida will be critical.
A Florida jounalist has just posted an article in the Huffington Post that Obama hasn't earned the support of the Jewish vote.
Roger Cohen in the New York Times writes how the 80,000 Jews of Cuyahoga will decide whether Obama or Romney takes the state of Ohio, and things could reverberate from there. Cohen is an Obama supporter, urging the Jews of Cuyahoga to stick with Obama, but in my view the fact he is publishing this story now tells me that he's trying to make sure that Obama hangs on to enough of the Jewish vote to ensure his victory
The recent article in the Chicago Sun Times shows that Obama has begun campaigning with Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Mayor,--and my gut instinct, for what it's worth, is that the fact that he has to trot out Rahm Emanuel near the end of the campaign shows that Obama knows he could be in trouble keeping enough of the Jewish vote necessary for him to be re-elected. Will Rahm Emanuel do the trick? Who knows ! Have a read:
In his blog in the Jerusalem Post Ed Koch, who has been critical of Obama before, in his blog in the Jerusalem Post has endorsed Obama