For audio:
Prof. Amnon Rubinstein (Formerly Meretz) Explains Why Israeli Left Not Popular In Israel
Israel Radio Reshet Bet – Noon News Magazine 28 October 2012
Anchor: Where is the problem today of this Left. Why doesn't the public, you know, doesn't go for it. Doesn't run to it.
Rubinstein: Look, there were many problems. The central problem was that the Left promised that in exchange for territorial concessions there would be peace. The Palestinian leadership and part of the Arab world did everything
they could to prove them wrong. One cannot ignore the part of the Palestinians in the failure of the Israeli left.
And there was another thing. The Israeli left did not succeed in proving to the Israeli public that they are both doves and patriots...
The Left can succeed, in particular in the period Israel is going through - very difficult times, only if it proves that it is also patriotic - is also for Israel - and also denounces inhuman and anti-liberal things from the Arab side.