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Nisan Sharify


by Maj (Res) Nissan Sharify and others

To residents of the United States of America, wherever you may be,
We, a group of officers and commanders serving in the Israel Defense Forces reserves, wish to hereby express our deep concern regarding the severe decline of the status of the United States in the world, and the helplessness that has overcome your country in facing the evil presently prevailing in this world, and which is now directed against you.
We must stress that this concern is not only ours. We train and conduct numerous maneuvers with the United States Army, and have discovered that military officers and commanders responsible for your country's security are immersed in deep anger and lack of trust in the country's leadership because of the severe restrictions they face in the context of their war against the forces of evil in our world. Indeed, the American government activates a mechanism of repression in everything it sees and senses. And it is quite evident that despite the fact that the policies of the person who stands at the head of this government, Barack Hussien Obama, have totally collapsed and been shattered to pieces, because of the upcoming elections, the present administration refuses to admit its failures.
It is a well known fact that Israel was, and still is, a true and loyal ally of the United States. The symbiosis between our two armies is complete, yet Obama repeatedly tries to bury to the ground this everlasting covenant, and it is very clear that he will not hesitate to offer the sacrifice of the State of Israel to appease the devil of extremist Islam, which has been recently unleashed in all its fury. His underhanded and deceptive handling of the question of Iran's nuclear reactor shows that he truly feels that sacrificing Israel will appease the predators, and this without realizing in his great foolishness that he is planting the seed of calamity against the United States itself , since Iran has already established terror bases near U.S. borders (the outskirts of Nicaragua and Venezuela), as well as "sleeper terrorist cells" within the U.S. itself, ready and waiting for the right time to attack and strike.
Space does not allow us to say everything we would like to express, and even a brief outline of Obama's mistakes cannot be described here. However, we will emphasize that the State of Israel, since its inception, has always acted as a sort of an advance defense of the West against radical Islam, and if, God forbid, this defense should collapse, then phenomena like the attack on the Twin Towers in Manhattan will become all too common, which must be prevented at all costs.
Therefore, we call upon you to help yourselves. Send Mr. Barack Hussein Obama home. Vote for the better, more talented and more serious candidate, Mr. Mitt Romney.

Truly and sincerely yours,

Signed by 50 members of the IDF

If you are interested in the names and ranks of the signers please contact the editor for the list

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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