When we look for leaders who are role models for the Jewish community, we don’t usually look to our children. Nathan Hochman is only 7 years old, but he really set an example for others to follow at his recent birthday party. He received cash and brought his birthday party gifts to the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg offices as a donation to PJ Library.
We asked Nathan why he chose to give his birthday money to the Federation for PJ Library. “It’s important to my Mom. You can learn things with books, and with PJ books you can learn Jewish things.” was his reply. His mother is Marisa Hochman, a children’s book author and Chair of the PJ Library Advisory Committee.
Nathan is now aware that because of his gift, more children can receive the gift of PJ Library books and CDs. Nathan’s leadership gift was recognized by the founder and major financial supporter of PJ Library. He was surprised to get a personal letter from Harold Grinspoon himself. It came with a handmade Tzedakah box from Harold because of his exceptional choice.
PJ Library provides these monthly gifts for free to subscribers from 6 months to 8 years old, with funding provided by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and Jewish Federation of Winnipeg and funded by the Combined Jewish Appeal. If you haven’t yet made a contribution to this year’s annual campaign, please contact Federation at 204.477.7428 or visit jewishwinnipeg.org.
For more information on PJ Library: Florencia Katz 204.480.7559 [email protected]