At the Rally for Israel on November 25, 2012, at the Asper Campus organized by the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, the Winnipeg Jewish Review met Conservative MLA’s Ron Schuler and Kelvin Goertzen, who both made a special point of attending.
Schuler has been a Member of the Legislature for over twelve years and represents the constituency of St. Paul (comprised of East St. Paul, West St. Paul, and half of Springfield), where only a handful of members of the Jewish community live.
He told the WJR that “As a very strong supporter of the State of Israel and a supporter of the Jewish community, I always make it a point to attend rallies that make a very clear statement of support for the only functioning democracy in the Middle East. Israel holds a very special place in the hearts of Canadians and our support for Israel must never waiver.”
Schuler, who prior to becoming an MLA was a School Trustee in the River East Transcona School Division, and a small business owner, also noted that “I am also very proud of the stand that Canada is taking [Nov. 29] against the unilateral Palestinian bid for statehood at the UN. I am in 100% agreement with Prime Minister Harper's stance that Hamas is a terrorist organization, and that we must always stand with our friend, the State of Israel.”
Goertzen, who was first elected in 2003 for the constituency of Steinbach, is the House Leader for the P.C. Party of Manitoba. “My wife Kim and I and our young son Malachi live in Steinbach. We regularly pray for Israel and the citizens of Israel that they will be able to live in peace and security. We have family members who have visited Israel in the past and we hope someday to do the same as well.”
Goertzen, who came out the rally with his mother form Steinbach, says “I'd like the Jewish community to know that as elected officials we not only appreciate their contributions to Canada but that we support the nation of Israel and its right to defend their citizens against terrorist actions. The Jewish people in Israel have been victims of terrorist attacks and as a nation we condemn those attacks and support Israel as it protects its citizens and strives for peace and security.”
Goertzen also supports Canada's position against a unilateral Palestinian bid. “Any agreement needs to be negotiated between the two parties and not be implemented unilaterally. In terms of Hamas, Canada has rightly joined with other nations in classifying it as a terrorist group. Prime Minister Harper has proven to be a friend of Israel and its people and I am proud of the actions the federal government has taken in support of an Israel whose people can live in peace and security.”
Schuler, who is a proud father of three and a passionate advocate of youth sport in Manitoba says that he wants the Jewish community to know that “that elected officials clearly and resolutely support Israel in their struggles against terrorist organizations.”