The Israel Recreational Hockey Association is a registered non-profit sports organization that promotes recreational ice hockey in Israel. Now in its 9th season, activities include a weekly ice hockey game, an annual international recreational tournament, kids’ hockey clinics and a kids’ inline roller hockey league.
The 7th annual tournament – February 11th to 15th - gives a great boost to ice hockey in Israel and creates ice hockey goodwill ambassadors for Israel. The IRHA’s efforts are creating positive bonds between Israel and other countries, and have received wide press coverage promotingIsrael as a safe, exciting, historical, and modern place to visit.
IRHA ice hockey is integral to immigrant absorption, encourages youth sport, and positions Israel positively in the media and to hockey players from abroad who play with us.
The IRHA has been working hard to build an ice hockey culture in Israel. Hockey equipment is difficult and expensive to purchase in Israel. Help us collect new or gently used equipment, and we will have it shipped to Israel.
Helmets, elbow pads, shin pads, gloves, pants, shoulder pads, cups, suspenders, helmet parts
Children’s goalie equipment - especially Novice, Atom, Pee Wee and Bantam sizes
Children’s and adult ice skates
Children’s roller blades
Inline hockey equipment - goalie equipment, hockey balls
Children’s team uniforms
Referee sweaters
For more information on ice hockey in Israel, follow the links below:
CBC story about 2010 tournament with Henderson and Sittler
Rod Black video
Israel Channel 1 news video (Hebrew)
To donate hockey equipment, receive information on the upcoming tournament or learn more about the Israel Recreation Hockey Association, call Danny or Ornat Spodek at 204.487.3275 or visit