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David Greaves



by Rhonda J. Prepes, P. Eng. August 10, 2010

“I am feeling very confident that I have made the right move from the Jewish Federation to the Jewish Foundation,” says David Greaves, a recent Cyril Marantz Manitoba Jewish Athlete honouree, who became the Foundation's Director of Fund Development and Marketing  on  June 21. 2010.

There is an amazing staff here and along with Marsha Cowan, CEO, and Brenda Gurvey, Director of Donor Development, our focus is directed towards donors and organizations to help build the community’s endowment funds which are held at the Jewish Foundation.”

 Greaves says this opportunity is "the perfect job"  for him.

" It is exactly what I want to do. I want to spend my time talking to people about leaving a legacy to this amazing community. It is an extension of what I have been doing for the past 6 years," he adds.

“My 6 years of fund raising with the Jewish Federation, building relationships, learning the landscape of Jewish philanthropy in our community, and working intimately with our volunteers, our donors, and our beneficiary agencies provided me with the necessary experience to get my current job with the Foundation. I am grateful for the time I spent with the Federation and because the CJA (Combined Jewish Appeal) endowment fund is housed at the Jewish Foundation, I expect we will be working together in the future.”

“The marketing component of my job is outreach, communicating with the community, which includes donors as well as the boards of organizations, to explain all the opportunities available and what the impact of a strong endowment can have on our community and its organizations."

Greaves's marketing responsibilities may also include upgrading the website, developing marketing materials, and sharing testimonials, in an effort to be more effective in bringing in a younger demographic.

“At least 50% of my job will be face to face with the community - whether making presentations to small groups or having conversations with people to make them more aware of what we do. One of my areas of focus will be speaking with the 30 - 45 year olds about life insurance and how they can leave a legacy to the community. Young adults may not be able to afford giving a gift of $100,000 today, but in death they can leave the Foundation and ultimately our community a significant gift in their life insurance policy. Also, through The Endowment Book of Life program, they can leave a historical legacy as well as a financial one.”

Greaves explains, “You can open up a fund in your name today, grow it gradually while you are alive, and leave something larger than it in your will. Unlike the Jewish Federation and the CJA fundraising campaign however, we are not necessarily asking people for cash donations. Most often we are asking people to consider the Foundation in their estate planning.”

A person can leave a bequest in his or her  will to the Foundation or designate the Foundation as a beneficiary in one's life insurance policy. The Foundation raises capital, and this money is invested and acquires interest and the interest is distributed to causes in need, either through a donor designated or advised fund or through bursaries or scholarships. Currently the Foundation has about 65 million dollars invested conservatively and meticulously managed.

The Foundation has encouraged Greaves to take a designation, the C.F.R.E. (Certified Fund Raising Executive). Greaves is excited to acquire this internationally recognized certification for his new job and for his own personal growth. He has already registered for the first week long course.

“I am a very lucky guy. I have found my calling and my purpose. Working for this community has allowed me to fulfill a dream of mine which is to understand the needs in our community and the wishes of the donors. Through the Foundation, I work with both to make sure their objectives and desires are met,” he says.

“If my legacy is that I was a nice guy, I worked hard, was well respected, and tried to make the Winnipeg Jewish community a better place, then this will be the greatest thing I do in my lifetime, next to being a good husband and father, of course. My grandfather passed down this simple message to me, 'The most important thing in life is your name. When you are gone, if you have done good things, that name will live on forever.'  ”

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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