[Editor's note: Norman Vickar has without knowing it, made Winnipeg Jewish Review history. At age 96, he is has become the oldest Jewish Winnipegger to contributor to this publication. Norman Vickar is a former Mayor of Melfort, Saskatchewan and went on to become an MLA for Melfort from 1972-74, later serving as Saskatchewan’s Minister of Industry and Commerce from 1974-1981. In the text of his message below, he refers to the fact that his son Larry will be awarded a Kavod award by the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg next month.].
It is with great humility and pride that I recognize the honour being bestowed upon Larry.
When Larry was born we lived in the village of Gronlid Saskatchewan. We moved to Melfort [a rural community of about 4000 people] when Larry was of school age and his childhood was spent there. He made friends easily and spent time in sports, such as curling, bowling, swimming, a little golf and a little street hockey. He also played saxophone in the high school band.
Larry became a lifeguard and a swimming instructor at the local outdoor pool and thoroughly enjoyed this job.
After high school he travelled through Europe and ended up in Israel where he worked on a kibbutz for three months. His tasks included picking fruit and gathering fish from the kibbutz fishponds.
Upon arrival back in Winnipeg he enrolled in a business administration program at Red River College. After completing that course of studies he entered the workforce going with my brother Ed Vickar in his automotive dealership (Community Chev).
Larry quickly became involved in community work on various boards and organizations both in the Jewish and non-Jewish community. He has given many hours to worthwhile causes both at home and abroad. This is in addition to building and looking after his own Automotive Dealership consisting of five dealerships and employing approximately 200 people.
From a father's perspective, Larry is one to be proud of. He has upheld the high standard which the Vickar name has had in the community.
Congratulations to Larry on receiving the Queen's diamond Jubilee Award in Ottawa this past December.
I would like to thank the Jewish community for giving him this special recognition--A Kavod Award.
It is very heartwarming for his mother Florence and I on this special occasion, and again, we thank you.