[We received a press release form Vision TV a couple of weeks ago, which I opened only recently due to an overwhelming amount of mail I have been getting in the last three weeks. Below are excepts from the release]
VisionTV has been airing original documentary series that shows a new wave of anti-Semitic hatred is gathering pace. According to a study just released from Tel Aviv University there is a 30% increase in anti-Semitic activity worldwide, especially in Europe.
The series is JEW BASHING: THE NEW ANTI-SEMITISM, a 4-part series from award-winning filmmaker and veteran war correspondent Martin Himmel, executive produced by Moses Znaimer.
Award winning journalist Martin Himmel and his team go undercover to get influential politicians, clerics, journalists, and academics to talk about their hatred of Jews.
Himel investigates and penetrates Anti-Zionist movements, white supremacist groups, and militant Islamic movements, exposing and capturing on camera anti-Semitism as viewers have never seen it before.
Monday, May 20 PART 3: New Anti-Semitism USA-8 pm CT, VisionTV (Channel 119 on Shaw Cable, Channel 20 on MTS)
In the land of free speech and wide access to the internet, Himel captures anti-Semitic Americans – both left and right wing – describing Jews as a tribal racist group who control Capitol Hill, Wall Street and Hollywood, start wars and create banking crises. This episode also features Himel traveling to backwater Middle American towns to conduct exclusive and shocking interviews with the country’s top anti-Semitic webmasters who can spout and spread their rumours and lies to willing millions worldwide with the instant click of a button. Until now, the internet has allowed them to hide quietly behind anonymity.
Monday, May 27 PART 4: New Anti-Semitism Canada- 8 pm CT, VisionTV (Channel 119 on Shaw Cable, Channel 20 on MTS)
Canada has one of the best records for fighting anti-Semitism in the world. American anti-Semites acknowledge that they would likely be imprisoned in Canada for the radical opinions they espouse. Yet Winnipeg is home to one of the top bloggers focusing on a “Jewish Satanic clique” that dominates the world; Friction and confrontation with Montreal’s Hassidic community are on the rise; the United Church of Canada, which holds no official position on the persecution and slaughter of Christians in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, and Egypt, supports an economic boycott against Israel’s West Bank settlements.