Jerusalem, Israel - The 2013 Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael - Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) World Leadership Conference (WLC) opened Saturday night in Jerusalem with a gala reception attended by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat. Also in attendance were KKL-JNF leaders from 35 countries worldwide including from Winnipeg, Rob Berkowits, Executive Director of JNF Manitoba/Saskatchewan Region. The WLC convenes every two years, and this year the focus is on sustainability and creating a sustainable future for the next generations.
“It is an honour to attend the World Leadership Conference and to see people from so many places around the world gathering to discuss the future of the State of Israel,” stated Rob Berkowits.
Among the attendees of the WLC is Christine Melnick, Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism. Minister Melnick is a friend to Israel and even brought a piece of Winnipeg with her to share. At the Mediterranian Botannical Garden tour in North Akko on Monday, she presented KKL-JNF Chairman, Efi Stenzler with a Winnipeg Jets Jersey.
“I see myself as a great friend of the State of Israel, and I believe in the importance of Israel and in the importance of the Jewish people for the whole world,” stated Minister Melnick, “It has given the world so very much—history, technology, literature, but mainly cooperation.”
Some 250 KKL-JNF representatives from 35 countries worldwide are taking part in the KKL-JNF WLC this year and participating in discussion forums, professional tours and collective think tanks on the organization's policies.
“KKL-JNF representatives all over the world are partners to all our work,” said KKL-JNF Chairman, Efi Stenzler, “Assisted by the tireless efforts of our friends, we are building the State of Israel for future generations.”
The WLC runs June 14-20 and will including many topics of discussion including issues such as agriculture, water, energy, international cooperation in environmental fields, tourism, Zionist and environmental education and young leadership, as well as professional issues, such as fundraising and public relations.
Pamela Wankling, Communications Coordinator
[email protected]