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Yitzchak and Kineret

Rifkind family


Winnipeg Rifkind Family win first phase of contest

by Rhonda J. Prepes, July 8, 2013

Winnipeger Yitzchak Rifkind is on his way to winning a job in Israel and making Aliyah to Israel with his family


Yitzchak Rifkind and his wife Kineret Orlikow-Rifkind are currently in first place in the Best Job Contest that will give Rifkind a job for one year in Israel and allow their family to make Aliyah to Israel.


Please vote for them now to ensure that he wins the job of his dreams at:

It only takes 30 seconds and every vote counts. Time is running out! Voting ends on July 31, 2013.

Rifkind, a Berkeley University graduate who works in advertising and marketing says, “This is a rare and fantastic opportunity for my family and I. We have long wanted to make Aliyah, but lacked the resources to move there without a job. Now, we have the possibility of having work before we get there, allowing us to start our life without financial worry. And that’s just the beginning – the job itself is a great opportunity to work for a fast growth, global company with a great product line and niche – SodaStream. This contest and what it could provide are literally a dream come true for us.” 

 “You can help my family get there with your vote. If you vote for us, we will do our best to succeed in Israel.”

Rifkind grew up in San Francisco and moved to Winnipeg to marry his wife Kineret. Kineret Orlikow-Rifkind is a professional photographer - KRifkind Photography. See!/HOME . She grew up here in Cresentwood and has 5 brothers and a sister. She has lived in Calgary, Vancouver, California and Israel, but wants to return to Israel to raise her own family there. They have 4 children: Naftali, 8, born in Israel; Adina, 7; Akiva, 5; and Ari, 3.

The Best Job Contest is part of “This is my Israel,” a program by Nefesh B’Nefesh to raise awareness about and connect with people interested in Aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel).

The objective of the Contest is to identify people who are interested in Nefesh B’Nefesh’s outreach initiatives, to increase awareness about Aliyah, to produce positive, quality content about making Aliyah, and to increase the number of North American Jews making Aliyah each year.

Entrant intends to make Aliyah and become an Israeli citizen upon winning, and before December 31st, 2013. The Contest “Prizes” are jobs in Israel with a contract of one year, extended at the discretion of the Employer.

Each contestant will be judged by three factors, one of them being the total number of votes they earn on their official contest profile between March 1st and July 31st, 2013. One vote per email address per day will be allowed. Winners will be selected on or before August 15th, 2013.

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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