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Hilda Szternfeld Smith

Feminine Devinity

Jerusalem - Oh my beloved - Om

Aurora Borealis - Possibilities



by Rhonda J. Prepes, August 6, 2013


 Paintings and drawings by Winnipeg born artist Hilda Szternfeld Smith

 Exhibition and Art Sale from August 2 to August 28, 2013

 Artist reception: Sunday, August 11 from 2 to 5 p.m.

Art talk: Thursday, August 15 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Wayne Arthur Gallery

 186 Provencher Blvd.

 (204) 477-5249

 Tuesdays to Saturdays : 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Szternfeld Smith explained, “The art show is named "I left my heart in Winnipeg and elsewhere too" because like the song "I left my heart in San Francisco" the description of the way we feel about places, as well as, people and our experiences in the world we live in are marked by the heart's journey that is illuminated by the light and colours of the love we share, the love we feel and the imprints of the collaboration of the practical experiences of our heart and soul journey.”

The collection of paintings in this show are a variety of heart work artworks. The eclectic exhibition is a sampling of many genres. The works are layered with colours of paint and mixed media.

“I create with the sheer delight of expression, the intensity and serendipity of emotion. I have worked with many mediums - Gouache, watercolour, oils, acrylics, fabric paint, vegetable pigments, semi-precious stones, gold, and silver, for examples, as well as pen and ink. The playfulness of light and colour, space and imagination, memory and living in the moment influence and direct the intention of each piece,” Szternfeld Smith said. 

“There has always been lots of colour in my life, internally and externally. Being first born in Canada and being raised in my amazing city of Winnipeg as a child of two Holocaust survivor  parents  made me both an observer and an expressionist of life, art and the links of passion's connection to communication and intimacy. Painting for me is a sacred, sensual, innocent , direct experience of the organic and non-organic world. I love to have fun with the pieces. The works in the show are fluid expressions of universal experiences.”

“I create to enrich not only my own life but in subtle ways the lives of others through line, colour and the passion of life on canvas and paper.”

“I also have some art cards and an abbreviated version of a book on solutions and next steps for everything that works, at the show. The back cover art piece is in this show.”

Hilda Chasia Szternfeld Smith is an abstract painter and colourist who speaks, sings and writes in several languages.  

Szternfeld Smith was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba. A graduate of the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Education, she created and taught art in several languages, as well as many other subjects, as a teacher between 1970 and 1996. She moved to Columbus, Ohio and then to Calgary, Alberta in 1972. As a Certified Family Life Educator and coach also, she created personal art pieces for patients and clients to enhance healing. She has performed on stage as a pianist and a singer. As a Yoga and Meditation master teacher she uses Chakra (energy centres) work and visualization through her art to heal and help enrich the lives of students and teachers.

Szternfeld Smith has been in group and solo shows. She is represented in private collections in the U.S, Canada and elsewhere in several countries. She continues to explore the creation of art through experimentation, study and travel. Her life includes the writing of poetry, books and painting. Her works include landscapes, portraits, and abstract compositions of the world. Her former exhibits included two Canadian Artist Exhibits in Calgary, The Artnest Gallery, La flamme galleries, Brian Melynchenco Gallery in Winnipeg, Artworks Gallery, and a Gulf Canada Resources Gallery solo show.

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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