As of August 23, Winnipeg’s Jewish Federation, like other Jewish Federations across Canada , set up a relief fund for flood victims in Pakistan, the world’s second most populous Moslem nation.
Jewish Federations in Canada will funnel their aid through the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), which is collecting funds to provide victims with food, clothing, water purification, medical supplies and other necessities. The JDC will be working in partnership with “Heart to Heart” on the ground in Pakistan.
JDC provides aid in countries around the world for victims of natural and man-made disasters. It also helped Pakistanis after the 2005 and 2008 earthquakes and implemented relief efforts in Haiti following the earthquake this year.
According to Madeline Kowall, Marketing Coordinator of Winnipeg's Jewish Federation over $3200.00 has been raised in the Pakistan Relief Fund as of September 7 ,2010.
Ben Cohen, President of Winnipeg’s Federation said in a statement last week “We must do whatever we can to ensure that the most vulnerable receive our help.”
It is estimated that 20 million Pakistanis are suffering from the effects of torrential rains and flooding.
Anyone wishing to donate through the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, may contact Linda Levesque (477-7428 or [email protected]). Cheques can be made payable to “Jewish Federation Pakistan Flood Relief” and/or credit cards are accepted. A charitable tax receipt will be issued.
Avrum Rosensweig, president and founder of the Canadian Jewish Humanitarian and Relief Committee, V’Ahavta , another Jewish group that is sending relief, told the Canadian Jewish News recently that he believed that Jewish involvement in helping Pakistan,is important, despite the fact that “people [there] are not necessarily considered our friends.
“I don’t see it as helping our enemies. I see it as helping people at the worst time of their lives.”
That is the primary reason that relief ought to be sent, but he also said he hopes that “there will be an understanding that the Jewish people are playing a role.”