We are pleased to advise that several new people have joined the Federation staff.
We welcome Sheldon Kaminsky to the Campaign department whose focus will be connecting with smaller donors and members of the community who are not current contributors to CJA. We also welcome Lesley Garscadden who will assist the Campaign and Community Relations departments in event and meeting planning. Faith Kaplan, who worked in Campaign and Federation Marketing left to obtain her masters degree while Jamie Matheos, who was an assistant to the Community Relations director resigned her position.
We are also pleased to advise that Josh Winestock has been hired as Hillel and Jewish Campus Life Director and Coordinator of the Machon Madrichim program. He replaces Avi Posen as Hillel/ Campus director. Avi has accepted a teaching position at the Gray Academy. Dov Shlenger, who directed the Machon program completed his schlichut and returned to Israel.
Bob Freedman, Chief Executive Officer
Jewish Federation of Winnipeg
204.477.7420 | [email protected]