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Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence A Hub of Activity- First Annual Harvest Dinner and Pie Auction Held

by Rhonda Spivak, October 17, 2013

I went to the Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence’s first annual Harvest Dinner and Pie Auction on Wednesday, September 25, where a delicious assortment of pies was up for auction. All proceeds raised from the auction went to Winnipeg Harvest a non-profit community based organization that is a food distribution and training centre. Winnipeg Harvest’s goals are to collect and share surplus food with people who are hungry and to offer training opportunities to help people step up and out of poverty.  Their ultimate goal is to eliminate the need for food banks in our community.

I was greeted by Samantha Loxton, Shaftesbury Park's new Marketing Director, who explained that Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence is a “hub” of activity’ in the community.  Loxton explained that may of the tenants contributed to the auction by baking or donating many of the pies. I myself ended up successfully bidding on a pecan pie (which my son demolished as soon as I got home. I offered to make him dinner first but he said "no this pie is really good. I'll have pie for dinner").

Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence offers luxurious retirement living for the discerning senior  A worry-free lifestyle providing day –to- day living, superior services and beautiful amenities.  Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence is the ideal environment to encourage active and healthy living tailored to the needs of today’s discriminating seniors; it truly has something for everyone.

 Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence encourages active and healthy living.  There is a wide variety of social, recreational and cultural activities, as well as clubs, dances and live entertainment.  A full-time Director of Health and Wellness plans the activities that challenge, inspire and entertain. 

Shaftesbury Park has a shuttle service to regular doctors’ appointments, banking and shopping appointments in addition to special events, concerts, dinners and activities that happen throughout the year in the community.  The shuttle service takes residents to shul, as well as, transporting residents to various community events. (For example, I saw the Shaftesbury Park bus dropping off residents at the Etz Chaim Synagogue for the Jewish Foundation's Endowment Book of Life Event featuring Alan Blye, Norm Middleman, and Aubrey Tadman).

Quality service and warm ambience make dining a pleasure at Shaftsbury Park's full service dining room.  Their Red Seal Chef and her team prepare nutritious meals and snacks daily to suite the individual tastes and dietary needs of their residents.  The spacious dining room at Shaftsbury Park has an “open seating” policy where friendships exist and new friendships are formed.

There is also a private dining room that families can reserve for special occasions. The Garfinkle/Miller family so happened to reserve the private dining room for the Harvest Dinner & Pie Auction. They were in a private room but they could also look out onto the dining room area and follow the pie auction. "We're enjoying the dinner and the auction," Elaine Golumbia told me.

Management and staff work to provide independence and peace of mind while ensuring quality of life throughout the years. Shaftesbury Park has staff on site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including a Certified Health Care Aide at night.

I saw my childhood Doctor Marty Weidman, a resident of Shaftesbury Park at the September 25th Harvest Dinner & Pie Auction event. He told me he was going to go onto the internet and read the latest edition of the Winnipeg Jewish Review (I hope you are reading now) !  

I also had an opportunity at the event to chat with Mr. Oscar Antel. He and his wife were one of the very first to move into Shaftesbury Park. “We were trend setters,” he said. “Many of our friends came after."

Antel told me that he is very pleased with Shaftesbury Park and all its services and amenities that it provides to its residences. "The food is good, and there's lots of great social activities." He also said he thought Shaftesbury Park was "good value for your money."

Antel also noted that last week Shaftesbury Park erected a Sukkah and residents celebrated Sukkot with Rabbi Shmuly Atlein from Chabd-Lubavitch centre.   

In fact, Rabbi Shmuely lives in the house right next to the facility and comes every Friday night to hold a “Kabbalah Shabbat service.”  Rabbi Shmuely is very connected with Shaftesbury Park.  He conducts Rosh Hashanah Services here, as wells as other Jewish holidays like, Chanukah menorah lightings and Purim.

At Oscar Antel's table I also saw Laurie Mainster, who has long been active in Winnipeg’s Jewish Community and has been involved in past years organizing the Mameloshen Festival of Yiddish Culture.  Mainster also spoke of the camaraderie at the Shaftesbury Park, noting that one of the reasons he chose Shaftesbury Park was because of the robust calendar of monthly activities offered. Antel said that the philosophy of Shaftsbury Park is to "build community,” which I could definitely see at the Harvest Dinner and Pie Auction event.   

At Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence the commitment to Age-In-Place living in a family-like community ensures that residents receive the highest quality care and services.  This beautiful facility was designed to meet the highest expectations of our residents and the community. 

Consider booking a personal tour by calling 204-885-7272. Acquaint yourself with Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence and its wonderful lifestyle that is waiting for you!



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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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