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Jordan Rosenblatt



by Rhonda J. Prepes, P. Eng. September 7, 2010

In conventional medicine, doctors evaluate your medical needs, write you a prescription and send you to a pharmacy. This route from doctor to pharmacist for dispensing medicine allows the doctor to focus on providing the sick with imperative service and knowledge with efficient use of their time and effort.
Natural health practitioners like chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and homeopathic doctors, try to offer their services and knowledge PLUS run their own medical dispensary. What's wrong with this? Not only does the extra work detract from their medical service, but it comes with a lot of risk. There are tens of thousands of products available and you never know who's going to need what, so there is far too much risk to have a complete dispensary. Practitioners then generally deal with only one brand of medicine. In the end, patients get what the practitioner has on hand and wants to sell, rather than what they may actually need. Some practitioners, who try to deal with multiple supply companies, get bombarded with inventory management, paperwork, accounting, product marketing, staff management, and all the other hassles of retail. This ends up costing the practitioners in the long run and patients pay higher costs for this entrepreneurial spirit.
So what are the options? Well for one, practitioners can write a prescription for a patient and send them to a health store. Patients go to the health store, get overwhelmed with the selection, deal with commission based salespeople with little experience in the health field, and get sold on the hot product of the day. If the product works they don't go back to the doctor, they go back to the health store. If the product doesn't work they don't go back to the health store or go back to the practitioner!

Plus, the best manufacturers of the highest potency therapeutic grade remedies do not sell to stores, they only sell directly to practitioners. What can be done to solve these problems?
Jordan Rosenblatt, a young Winnipeg born Jewish entrepreneur, now based in Vancouver British Columbia,says he has officially solved all these problems.
Rosenblatt's company, H.E.A.L. Solutions, offers an innovative service to natural health practitioners that allow them to become a TOTAL CLINIC without the risk or time consuming hassles of retail. Total Clinic provides high-quality products and customized product marketing to turn a natural health practice into a one-stop wellness shop.

This innovative system allows for practitioners to sell over 5000 different medicines (nutritionals, herbals, homeopathics, essential oils, health tools and more) from over 30 of the most reputable brands without ever purchasing products, handling the medicines or doing any of the paper work.
"We researched all the problems in dispensing medicine, and then we solved them. Simple as that," says Rosenblatt, Founder of H.E.A.L. Solutions and TOTAL CLINIC.
Practitioner’s get their own website, catalogue, pamphlets and research book all customized to their practice. Practitioners recommend a product. The patient or the practitioner places the order on their personalized website or by phone, fax or email. H.E.A.L. Solutions sends the order directly to the patient with the doctor’s logo on the invoice and return address. H.E.A.L. Solutions charges the patient’s credit card and pays the practitioner a high commission monthly. H.E.A.L. Solutions donates a percentage of sales to charity annually.
TOTAL CLINIC is a great opportunity for practitioners to gain a new income source, to increase client loyalty, to attract more people to the clinic, and to enhance patients' health in new ways without the added time and risk.

The practitioner’s knowledge and guidance combined with the convenience of free delivery create an offer that patients can't refuse. TOTAL CLINIC is a win-win situation for natural health care practitioners and patients. It has changed the way natural medicines are distributed in order to benefit practitioners and patients.
Contact Jordan Rosenblatt at HEAL solutions for more information about TOTAL CLINIC at

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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