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Michael Narvey

Harry Braunstein

Blye, Tadman, and Mittlemann

Michael Weinstein

Jewish Foundation's Endowment Book of Life Event Attracts Sold Out Crowd-23 New Signers-See Video of Blye, Tadman, Mittlemann

December 16, 2013

Over 450 people attended the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba's Endowment Book of Life sold-out event on September 17, 2013. The event honoured 23 new signers of the Endowment Book of Life and saw Winnipeg musical legends Allan Blye, Norm Mittelmann and Aubrey Tadman take the stage to deliver an evening of nostalgia.

One of the signers Dr. Michael Narvey shared his story, noting that growing up in Winnipeg he did not show a lot of interest in Jewish culture or organizations, and did not go to camp or to BBYO.  He moved to Edmonton but he and his wife Susan decided to return to live in Winnipeg.
 Over 450 people attended the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba's Endowment Book of Life sold-out event on September 17, 2013. The event honoured 23 new signers of the Endowment Book of Life and saw Winnipeg musical legends Allan Blye, Norm Mittelmann and Aubrey Tadman take the stage to deliver an evening of nostalgia.


One of the signers Dr. Michael Narvey shared his story, noting that growing up in Winnipeg he did not show a lot of interest in Jewish culture or organizations, and did not go to camp or to BBYO.  He moved to Edmonton but he and his wife Sylvia decided to return to live in Winnipeg.


He said he "took for granted that we would be able to have a Jewish connection for our children in Edmonton," but that the game changing moment for him was that there was "no night school."


He decided to return to Winnipeg believing it "would be a supportive community".  He said he had been "somewhat skeptical of how we would be welcomed but have been overwhelmed" with a welcoming community.


Narvey noted that "The goal is to ensure that the community that I always took for granted is prospering to sustain itself into our children and grandchildren’s generation and beyond...Speak to your children and grandchildren and challenge them to protect what we have."


He added "We are young and the cost of life insurance was cheap and this is the vehicle we chose to accomplish our goal" of leaving a bequest to the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba.


Narvey also thanked David Greaves, the JFM's Director of Development and marketing for helping him and his wife through the process.


The Endowment Book of Life now includes 722 signers, all of whom have agreed to leave a bequest to the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba.


Lawyer Michael Weinstein shared the story of his father Joel Weinstein z"l. His father had drafted his story years ago but later shelved it. He passed away in 2009 but last year the Foundation discovered his draft and shared it with his family. The Weinstein family updated Joel's story and included it in the Endowment Book of Life.


The Foundation is pleased to welcome as signers:


Lori Binder


Harry (Hershey) Braunstein


Gloria & Allan Cantor


Becky, Samantha, and Adam Chisick in memory of their grandparents, Tamara & Max Chisick


Pat Cohen


Susan Feldman in memory of Bill Feldman


Selma & Murray Gilfix


Faigie Greaves


Chaya & Rabbi Alan Green


Tracy Kasner Greaves


Sylvia Kogan & Michael Narvey


Johanna & Kenny Kronson


Elaine & Bernie Lofchick


David Matas in memory of Esther & Harry Matas


Marilyn Raber


Doreen Short


Cathie Weinstein in memory of Joel Weinstein


Cindy & Rob Yusim



The stories from the Endowment Book of Life can be found in two bound volumes located near the entrance to the Asper Campus and also online at


For more information on participating in the Endowment Book of Life, contact David Greaves at 204 477-7522 or [email protected]



The crowd was thrilled to hear Blye, Mittelmann and Tadman reminisce about Winnipeg and sing in both Yiddish and English.  Below is a youtube video of the performance:


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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

Opinions expressed in letters to the editor or articles by contributing writers are not necessarily endorsed by Winnipeg Jewish Review.