After 13 years of exemplary service as the Director of Spiritual Care at The Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre, Rabbi Dr. Neal Rose has announced his retirement. His last official day at the Centre will be November 28.
“Rabbi Rose has made an enormous contribution to Jewish life at the Centre,” said Dr. Edward (Ted) Lyons, O.C., Chair of the Board of the Simkin Centre. “He has brought comfort to many families in times of need, and he has been a guiding light for us as a Jewish organization. He has also built important relationships with other clergy to the benefit of our residents who aren’t Jewish.”
“Rabbi Rose has been a superb colleague,” said Alanna Kull, Director of Care and Acting CEO at the Simkin Centre. “His work has reminded all of us as healthcare professionals that a resident’s well-being comprises many important dimensions beyond one’s physical state of being.”
Earlier this year, with a grant from the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba, the Simkin Centre launched an initiative to help determine the Centre’s long-term spiritual care needs. The project has been led by Bill Weissmann, an independent consultant who serves as the Shammes at Congregation Shaarey Zedek. The final report and recommendations are expected before the end of the year.
“The report will give us some guidance going forward,” said Lyons. “In the meantime, we will continue to benefit from the exceptional work of our spiritual care staff, including leading services and offering support to residents and families. We are also fortunate to have Rabbi Moshe Smierc on staff as our mashgiach (kashrut supervisor). He is an important resource for us.”
Rabbi Rose will be honoured at a tea on December 16. While retired from the Centre, he will continue to teach, speak, and run his private counselling and family therapy practice.
“Working at the Simkin Centre has been an uplifting experience for me – one that I will always treasure,” said Rabbi Rose. “It has always been my objective to help our residents and their families tap into their Jewish identity as a source of joy and comfort. Working with the elderly in a Jewish milieu is a very high calling for a Rabbi; it has been an honour to serve our residents.”