Through donations from family, friends, and colleagues, an endowment fund has been established at the University of Manitoba in memory of Rabbi Dr. Moshe Stern. The Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative has made a contribution to the fund. The annual interest generated by the fund will be used to offer one scholarship to an undergraduate or graduate student who:
(1) has completed at least 30 credit hours of study in any program at the University of Manitoba; (2) has achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 3.0;
(3) has demonstrated community involvement;
(4) has completed at least one course in Judaic Studies at the University of Manitoba.
(5) is enrolled part-time or full-time in any school or faculty at the University of Manitoba or any other accredited university (Canadian or international) to pursue Judaic Studies, in the year in which the scholarship is tenable, with the provisos that:
(a) a student who is pursuing an academic program of study may register at any accredited university; or
(b) if a student chooses to pursue a theological programme of study, enrollment must be at an accredited Orthodox Jewish post-secondary institution.
Candidates must submit an application, including a statement (maximum 500 words) that describes their community involvement and identifies the institution they plan to attend. Students who are not enrolled at the University of Manitoba will be required to provide proof of their admission to an accredited institution and registration in courses in Judaic Studies before funds are disbursed. Application forms will be available in the Financial Aid and Awards Office in early spring. Completed application forms are to be returned to the same Office.
In the event of a tie, the award will be offered to the student who has achieved the highest degree grade point average. If the tie persists, the award will be offered to the student who has completed the largest number of credit hours in Judaic Studies courses.
Final selection will be at the discretion of the selection committee, but the award cannot be divided between two or more students.
The Rabbi Dr. Moshe Stern Memorial Award may not be held concurrently with the David Silverberg Scholarship in Judaic Studies.
In years when all of the applicants are undergraduate students, the selection committee shall be named by the Director of Financial Aid and Awards (or designate). In years when there is one or more graduate student applicants for this award, the Director of Financial Aid and Awards (or designate) will consult with the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies (or designate) before naming the selection committee. The selection committee shall also include the donor (or designate) for this award and one Co-coordinator of the Judaic Studies program.
The Board of Governors of the University of Manitoba has the right to modify the terms of this award if, because of changed conditions, it becomes necessary to do so. Such modification shall conform as closely as possible to the expressed intention of the donor in establishing the award.