"We are close to our target," Elaine Goldstine , Director of Financial Resource Development for the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg told the Winnipeg Jewish Review on March 12 in regard to the CJA campaign total.
"The campaign is currently at $5.7 million," Goldstine said (Editor's note: This sum is more money than has ever been raised before.) "That's 98% of our goal of $5.817 million," Goldstine added.
"To sweeten the deal, our Campaign Chair, Gail Asper, has decided to match dollar for dollar, all increased or brand new gifts so this is a great opportunity for new donors have double the impact."
There's still a few days before the campaign officially closes on March 31st and as Goldstine said "there is still time to make a donation for the 2013 campaign if you have not already."