Winnipeg, MB – It is with great pleasure that the Rady JCC acknowledges Jeff Lieberman on his recognition as this year’s recipient of the William Norrie Outstanding Community Leadership Award.
Mr. Lieberman is a dynamic individual who selflessly commits countless hours to volunteerism – not only within the Jewish community, but the community-at-large in Manitoba, and Rady JCC is pleased to see those efforts recognized with this award.
“It is amazing how the efforts of one person can truly have far-reaching impacts on a community,” said Gayle Waxman, Rady JCC Executive Director. “He does not just volunteer on boards, but also works on the front lines, particularly through his role in local sports where he has coached for over 12 years.”
Born and raised in Winnipeg, Mr. Lieberman still makes his home in the Manitoba capital with his wife, Robyn, and three children, Amy, Josh and Noah. Over the years, he has made volunteerism a major part of his life, helping make the Rady JCC what it is today through his work as a long-time committee member of the successful Sports Dinner (entering its 43rd year this spring), as a director on the Board for more than a decade, in his two-year term as President, and through his involvement as Chair of Yom Ha’atzmaut each spring, which brings together thousands of community members to celebrate Israel’s birthday.
Beyond the Rady JCC, Mr. Lieberman previously served on the Folklorama and Jewish Federation Board of Directors, is currently on the Board of Directors for the University of Manitoba Alumni Association and is Chair of the B’nai Brith Yom Hashoah (Holocaust memorial day) reading of names held at the Legislature each year.
Among his less heralded – but equally important – volunteer efforts include minor hockey coaching, Salvation Army fundraising, and canvasing for the Combined Jewish Appeal campaign for the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg.
All told, his accomplishments and contributions include:
Rady JCC volunteering:
1995 – 2008 Director, Rady JCC Board of Directors
2004 – 2006 President, Rady JCC Board of Directors
2002, 2003, 2010 – Present Chair, Israel Pavilion Folklorama
2010 – Present Chair, Winnipeg Jewish Community Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration
1995 – Present Committee member, Rady JCC Sports Dinner
Other volunteering:
1988 – Present Canvasser, Combined Jewish Appeal/Jewish Federation of Winnipeg campaign
1999 Chair of the VIP Room, World Junior Hockey Tournament
1998 – 2001 Member, Winnipeg Jewish Community Council, Board of Directors
2001 – 2006 Director, Promotional Products Association of Canada (National Board)
2001 – 2013 Coach, Winnipeg Minor Hockey Association
2001 – 2008 Director, Folklorama Board of Directors
2002 – 2004 Director, Jewish Federation of Winnipeg
2004 – 2006 Director, Asper Jewish Community Campus
2005 – 2006 President, Folklorama Board of Directors
2007 – 2009 Board Member, Winnipeg Jewish Federation Board of Directors
2008 – 2012 Committee member, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Winnipeg Chapter Golf Tournament
2009 – 2012 Volunteer, Salvation Army kettle campaign
2009 – Present Director, University of Manitoba Alumni Association
2010 – Present Chair, Winnipeg Jewish Community Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration
2012 – Present Chair, B’nai Brith Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) reading of names at the Legislative Building
Current – Director, Winnipeg Blues Junior Hockey Club
The Rady JCC strives to build and sustain an enriched, caring and connected community ensuring a vibrant Jewish future in Winnipeg. Our mission as a not-for-profit community agency is focused on providing a broad range of programs and services for all age groups to meet the diverse needs of members, the Jewish community, and the community-at-large. Programs include cultural, social, educational, health, fitness, and recreational for all age groups, from infant to older adult.
Through its wide array of programs, the Rady JCC strengthens the individual, the family, and the community. Membership is open to all, and services are offered to both the Jewish and general communities.