I am thrilled beyond words to advise members of our incredible community that the 2013 Combined Jewish Appeal campaign which officially closed on March 31 met the very ambitious goal that leadership established last year by raising $5.817 million. The amount raised establishes a new record exceeding the record of $5.612 million that was raised in the 2012 campaign.
This unbelievable achievement would not have been possible without the outstanding leadership of Gail Asper, the overall campaign chair, and her fantastic team of volunteers, including Daniella Jacobsohn and Mira Narvey, co-chairs of Women's Philanthropy, and Lindsay Sawyer Fay, our YAD (Young Adult Division) chair. Special tribute must be paid to our dedicated professional staff of Judi Price-Rosen, Lesley Garscadden and Linda Levesque under the leadership of Elaine Goldstine.
But none of this could have happened without you, our generous and committed donors. We have a very special community and all of you are very special people. On behalf of everybody at Federation and especially on behalf of our local, national and overseas agencies who will benefit from your generosity, I want to thank you very much and extend to you and your family a Chag Pesach Sameach.
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Bob Freedman
Chief Execuive Officer