With the Passover holiday almost upon us, ninth grade Boys Town Jerusalem students made their own novel attempt to observe the Biblical command, “In every generation, each person must regard himself as if he came out of Egypt.” The class traveled eastward from Jerusalem to the heart of the Judean desert for a glimpse into the world of their forefathers, as preserved in ‘Eretz Bereishit’ (Genesis Land).
Amidst the timeless, silent terrain of the desert and the mountains, the boys were transformed several thousand years back to “feel” the atmosphere of Biblical days, and to better imagine the experiences of the Children of Israel in Egypt and in the desert where they had wandered for forty years.
“It was important to leave our world for just a few hours and come to a place where time stands still,” said student Dvir Ben Gigi. “Just looking out at the ancient hills and desert makes it easier for me to imagine Moses and the Israelites. Part of me will truly be with them at the Passover Seder, when we recite the Exodus from Egypt.”
Boys Town Jerusalem is one of Israel's premier institutions for educating the country's next generation of leaders in the fields of technology, commerce, education, the military and public service. Since its founding in 1948, BTJ has pursued its mission of turning young boys from limited backgrounds into young men with limitless futures. From Junior High through the college level, the three part curriculum at Boys Town - academic, technology and Torah - is designed to turn otherwise disadvantaged Israeli youth into productive citizens of tomorrow. Boys Town’s 18 acre campus is a home away from home for its more than 900 students. More than 7,000 graduates hold key positions throughout Israeli society.
To Donate:
Canadian Friends of Boys Town Jerusalem
Kiryat Noar Yerushalayim
200-2788 Bathurst Street
Toronto • Ontario • M6B 3A3
T. 416.789.7241
F. 416.789.1090
[email protected]