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Town of Kenora Accepts BB Camp`s Offer to Purchase 30 Acres of Town Island

posted July 3, 2014


June 24- Letter sent by Aaron London, Re: BB Camp

On behalf of the Board of Directors of BB Camp, I am excited to report that the City of Kenora has passed a motion to accept our offer to purchase 30 acres of Town Island.


The purchase of thirty acres doubles our campsite footprint and will ensure the valuable BB Experience continues to touch and enrich the lives of generations to come. We look forward to sharing our plans with you.


We wanted to send this special note to our BB Camp family: a family composed of current and former campers, staff, directors, board members, founders, investors, supporters and fans. To all of you who have invested so much time and effort for the Camp's benefit over the years, we wish to reiterate our commitment to stay the course of continuous improvement in line with our Mission, for the benefit of the Community. Further, we wish to acknowledge your hard work, dedication and support, all of which was necessary to move us to this great moment in our history.


I'm not sure how we will celebrate June 30 every year from now on, but we will celebrate! As we move forward and finalize the land transaction we will keep you apprised of our progress and plans.


If you have any questions or comments we would appreciate if you would address them to Daniel Samphir or myself, as we will be acting as the Camp's spokespeople for this matter.

Yours truly,

Aaron London, Chair, B’nai Brith Jewish Community Camp Board



City of Kenora Considers the Sale of a Portion of Town Island

Kenora – Council for the City of Kenora announced today they will consider the sale of 30 acres of Town Island to the B’nai Brith Camp (BB Camp) that has existed on this portion of the island for 60 years.

The sale of this land gives BB Camp the assurance that it will continue as a viable asset to Kenora and Lake of the Woods for children and events for years to come. A restrictive covenant has also been included as part of the offer of sale of the lands to guarantee that there will be no change to the intended use of the property resulting from the sale.

This Council is committed to preserving the Town Island lands in their current natural state and protecting the fishery and natural habitats on and around the island. At this time, the City is also in discussion with the Province to transfer the remaining 198 acre portion of Town Island into the Lands for Life program with the Ministry of Natural Resources in exchange for properties of interest within the City. Moving this property into the lands for life program would ensure that this preservation occurs.

Mayor Canfield expressed “The sale of a portion of Town Island to BB Camp ensures the viability of a long term camp program”. As the City moves towards potentially transferring the remaining portion of Town Island into the Lands for Life program, Council could safeguard this pristine property for the future”.
Council is currently considering this offer and will hold a special meeting of Council the week of June 30th to make their decision. Council wanted to ensure that the public was made aware of the potential land sale together with reasons for protections being put in place on the lands to ensure that the intent of the camp lands and programs were preserved before any final decision is made.


BB Camp contact:  [email protected]


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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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