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Adam Bronstone

Message from the desk of the CEO of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg Nov 14, 2014

By Adam Bronstone, CEO JFW, November 14, 2014

Dear Friends,


As we near the end of November, the holiday of Chanukah will soon be upon us. As the CEO of the Jewish Federation, I invite the entire community to take part in a community-wide candle-lighting of the first candle on Tuesday, December 16, at the Asper Jewish Community Campus. Be on the lookout for more about this great event where we will all come together and celebrate this exciting time!


I want to use this moment to let the community know of a number of exciting developments in our community:


Firstly, we have an active and growing Hillel Winnipeg program on our many university campuses, and our Hillel director has been asked to expand the reach of this program to be inclusive of all members of our community between the ages of 18-24, be they at university or working in the community. If you have a member of your family who falls into this category of programming, please reach out to Ian Brojges.


Secondly, as many people are aware, there are a number of future planning and development conversations taking place. The Federation Planning Committee will once again coordinate and  investigate the current and future needs of Jewish Winnipeg, with input from across our community. The Federation will learn about existing and future needs and how these needs relate to communal land that may be available and other matters that require some long term planning to ensure the community remains vibrant in the years to come. If you have thoughts on existing and future needs, please contact me.


As well, the Federation has new information concerning the demographics of our community, based upon the 2011 National Household Survey. A summary is on our website and anyone interested is welcome to contact Faye Rosenberg-Cohen for more information.


Finally, and as always, I want to highlight a few community-wide activities that will take place in November. I encourage ALL of my community to take part in these programs and engage in the vitality of Jewish life that exists in Winnipeg for people of ALL ages.


•             Tarbut: Festival of Jewish Culture featuring Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, Best-Selling Author Naomi Ragen; Music by Yemen Blues, Michael Greilsammer, and Anna-Lisa Kirby. Plus films, Jewish Images Photography Exhibit, Jewish Book Fair and more! November 15-23 at the Asper Campus.


•             Global Day of Jewish Learning – November 16, 10:30am-12:00pm, with sessions and brunch featuring Dr. Ruth Ashrafi on Amalek, Rabbi Alan Green on Meditation as part of the Rady JCC’s Healing Series, and Rabbi Ari Ellis on “Blessings, Curses, and Talking Donkeys”, while PJ Library families are treated to a program on “Little Heroes”. For more information and to register, please contact Florencia Katz.


•             Gray Academy of Jewish Education is holding an Open House for all interested parents on November 19, 9:00-11:00am. To register, please call 204.477.7410.


•             Visit the Chanukah display at St. Vital Shopping Centre in the food court on Sunday, November 23, 10am-5pm to find out all that’s going on for Chanukah in our community. Throughout the day there will be exciting FREE activities including gourmet olive oil tasting, sufganiot sampling, a performance of song and dance by the Chai junior group; “Yona”, photos with our dreidle mascot and crafts for kids.


As I say farewell for now, I want to mention that the Federation tries to be as inclusive as possible for the benefit of every member of the community.  Help us to connect with you by ensuring that if you change any of your contact information, let us know as soon as possible, and if you know of someone who does not receive my email, suggest that they give the office a call at 204.477.7400 to let us know and give us their current contact information.


I look forward to celebrating Chanukah and many other activities with everyone, and to always hearing your thoughts of how we can be the best Jewish community throughout North America.


Shabbat Shalom,

Adam Bronstone

Chief Executive Officer

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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