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Introducing Paula Havixbeck-Candidate for City Council in Charleswood, Tuxedo, and White Ridge

By Rhonda Spivak, October 10,2010


Paula Havixbeck is one of seven candidates running in the Charleswood-Tuxedo-Whyte Ridge ward in th eupcoming civic elections.

She describes herself as having an "mix of business, government, and community building experience,"  qualities which are necessary for an elected official. Havixbeck  is self-employed as a business and marketing consultant for the over ten years and and prior to that worked in government including management roles at the City of Winnipeg and the Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba.

 Havixbeck says her backgound will be an asset at  City Hall because she  "can certainly read a balance sheet and be able to look five-ten years inot the future."

"This is important to ensure we do things and spend in a planned, organized way," says Havixbeck.

Havixbeck has worked with clients like Habitat for Humanity Winnipeg, Macdonald Youth Services, various producer/agricultural  groups, municipalities, Aboriginal communities and with post-secondary institutions to help them achieve their goals.

Havixbeck  teaches at the University of Manitoba in the I.H. Asper School of Business and has done so since 2003 when she earned her MBA from the school. 

"Teaching is important because it’s an opportunity to give back to the next generation and it’s great when students feel encouraged about building their careers in Winnipeg," she says.

Havixbeck keeps in touch with many students after they graduate and has helped a few business-starts in Winnipeg that were former students.  She says "This is the most rewarding part of teaching at Asper."

Havixbeck enjoys  spending time with her two boys— taking paret in everything from hockey, soccer, and football,  and water colour painting in Assiniboine Park, to taking them to the Winnipeg Art Gallery, the Symphony, and other festivals the city has to offer. 

As she says, "It’s important to keep children balanced. Boys seem to gravitate to sports and it’s important to not forget the whole other world of the arts."

This summer, Paula’s boys were actively involved in her campaign. "They’ve been to the doors to hear what people are saying, they’ve helped their father as he heads up the sign crew, and they’ve been to seniors’ centres and found that fascinating," she says..

Havixbeck studied piano to Grade 8 Royal Conservatory and corresponding theory and says this experience helps  her have "'a better appreciation for the arts."

Havixbeck add, "It’s important to me that my boys learn the importance of hard work, commitment, and demonstrating leadership, while being humble about their accomplishments. These are the most significant things my parents taught me and today with all the complexities of life, raising kids with these same principles is really important.”

Havixbeck notes that she was raised with parents who gave back to the community. “My father coached hockey and there were always players coming and going from our house.My ther volunteered in many capacities at school , in our community and through church.”

"hey inspired me to decide to run for City Council.,P she says  Her father, who passed away six years ago, always said "if you see an opportunity to make the world better, take it and do something about it."

Havixbeck is active and works out at the Rady Jewish Community Centre and has been doing so off and on for nearly 12 years.  She is currently president of the Tuxedo Community Centre and actively involved in this role.

Havixbeck says her top priorities in this election campaign are to:

1. Improve public safety- She has endorsements from both the Winnipeg Police Association and the United Fire Fighters of Winnipeg and will ensure the Fire/Ambulance Station on Grant Avenue gets built as well as the new Police Station. 
2. Maintain and improve our community centres to keep our youth engaged-  She is committed to ensuring more programs that address all ages, a chance to drop in, and improved facilities.
3. Working with the community to improve infrastructure- Her goal is to ensure the formulation of a  12-year strategic plan where things are done in phases and includes road improvements, better traffic flow, to drainage and water issues.

Readers can learn more about Paula at or call 318-2100 to get involved.

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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