March 10, 2015, TORONTO — Liberal leader Justin Trudeau's comparison of Canada’s current immigration policy to that of the 1940’s which saw Jews barred from the country is wholly inappropriate, says B’nai Brith Canada. The remarks came during a speech in Toronto where Mr. Trudeau asserted that today’s political rhetoric mirrors the anti-Jewish sentiment of the 30’s and 40’s.
“Every year B’nai Brith Canada hosts a Holocaust remembrance ceremony on Yom HaShoah to commemorate those who perished at the hands of the Nazi’s — such as the passengers aboard the MS St. Louis who were barred from entering Canada,” said Michael Mostyn, CEO, B’nai Brith Canada. “Mr. Trudeau is the latest in a long of politicians who fall into the trap of drawing highly-inappropriately and offensive Nazi-era comparisons by using the term ‘none is too many’ haphazardly.
“Such language is divisive and only does a dis-service to Canadians interested in dealing with pressing issues of the day. We must find the balance between freedom and security without resorting to inaccurate historical parallels that have no bearing on reality.
“The threat of radicalization and jihadist terror is real. We must all work together to address that threat while being part of a tolerant and pluralistic society.”