On Sunday, October 24th, the Winnipeg chapter of the Canadian friends of the Hebrew University will be presenting a series of lectures on a variety of topics with some of the university’s world renowned professors. This event will take place from 10:15 am to 3:15 pm at Balmoral Hall School, 630 Westminster Avenue, in Winnipeg. This program is open to the public.
The keynote speaker will be Prof. Abraham Fainsod from the Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada (IMRIC) discussing his latest research on Alcohol and Birth Defects: FAS and IMRIC’s Groundbreaking Research. Dr. Fainsod is a Professor of Genetics in the Faculty of Medicine where he chairs the Biomedical Sciences Curriculum and the Undergraduate Studies Teaching Committee. The main focus of Professor Fainsod’s research has been the genetic regulation of vertebrate embryonic development.
Other professors who will be presenting are Dr. Menachem Hofnung from the Faculty of Political Science, Dr. Ein-Ya Gura Senior Lecturer, Mathematics from the Centre for Study of Rationality and Dr. Michael Segal from the Department of Bible, at the Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies in the Faculty of Humanities.
Sessions will cover:
• Stem Cells - From Embryos to Cancer
• Civil Liberties and National Security in Israel
• Change the Way We Think! - Teaching Game Theory
• The Writing is on The Wall: Dream Interpretation in the Book of Daniel
• Can Israel be Jewish and Democratic?
• How the Dead Sea Scrolls Interpret the Bible
The Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University is a national non-profit organization that develops and promotes awareness of, leadership in, and financial support for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is Israel’s first university. Founded by Chaim Weizman, Martin Buber, Albert Einstein, and Sigmund Freud, the university has become a multi-disciplinary institution of higher learning and research and a scientific centre of international renown.
Currently, over 24,000 student from different countries and diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds study on the university’s four campuses.
The Best of Hebrew U is generously sponsored by the Gray Family, the Asper Foundation, Midwest Quilting Co. Ltd., Quadrant, Saper Agencies Ltd., Vickar Chevrolet, and Stephen. N. Rosenfield Certified General Accountant.
For further information and registration, visit www.cfhu.org or call 942-3085.