"These systems which are engineer tested and provincially-approved reduce excavation and labour costs as well as construction time," says Craig Griffin, the President of Griffin Foundation Products. He and wife Ann, along with kids Brett and Devyn, have vacationed at their family cottage in Ponemah for over 20 years.
"These systems are ideal for mobile homes, additions, sun rooms or sinking cottages.The steel systems are clean, simple, fast, and mighty strong," he notes. " They can be adjusted or removed if necessary, and are 100% recyclable.
Additionally Griffin notes that “We can provide professional installation or you can do the installation fairly easily yourself.”
Griffin's systems have resolved many foundation issues with no mess, landscape repair or curing time.
The Steel Pile Anchor, which is manufactured in Manitoba, features auger blades for easy installation and flotation stabilizer wings that prevent movement of shifting often caused by frost or water. The Cottage Jack has a 9000lb rated capacity with a galvanized top and base plate for ACQ.
"There are many more applications for these anchoring systems including airplane tie-downs, grain bins, wheelchair ramps and boat docks," Craig says
You can check out more products at www.anchors-away.ca or call Craig Griffin at 204.227.2062.
These products are also available at UDO Lumber in Winnipeg Beach