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Elaine Goldstine


November 23, 2015

Dear Friends,

Having just returned from Israel I am pleased to report to the community that Israel is as strong and as welcoming as ever! The Western press has unfortunately been painting a negative picture; but what we saw was positive. Some people are more cautious when they go out and there is definitely an increased security presence in Jerusalem, but the mood of the country is one of strength and optimism!


As we traveled throughout the country, building cranes were visible wherever we went from Tsfat to Jerusalem to Tel Aviv. In fact, an 80 story tower is being built in Tel Aviv. If that isn't optimism, I don't know what is!


A rapid transit system is being built from Beersheba in the South to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. New 4-lane highways are being constructed throughout the country. Israel is growing and there is a sense of hope and a sense of prosperity.




Tel Hai College
Our Federation partnership region in Israel is the Upper Galilee. Mission participants presented 6 scholarships to students who demonstrated financial need. Tel Hai College is unique in that it welcomes students with a wide range of abilities and through this program, students with learning disabilities are able to achieve great academic/occupational goals.




Project Embrace
Another of our projects is "Project Embrace" in Kiryat Shmona. It is focused on equipping children at risk with tools and skills that will assist them to overcome personal barriers and take their rightful place in Israeli society. "Project Embrace" involves participation in tennis at the Israel Tennis Center in Kiryat Shmona. The children participating in "Embrace" are also taking part in other worthwhile programs and, most importantly, learn to work together. Mission participants had a wonderful time engaging with the children and a meaningful and fun time was had by all!




Ramat Koraziin School
Ramat Korazin is an elementary school partnered with Brock Corydon in Winnipeg. We had a chance to visit the school and were entertained by the students. In addition, we presented a cheque on behalf of Brock Corydon School and other Winnipeg donors for their Music Program.




Start-up companies
We enjoyed and learned a great deal from numerous other visits: Plasan Sasa is an international company that provides customized lightweight survivability solutions for tactical combat vehicles, fixed and rotary winged aircraft naval platforms, civilian armored vehicles and personal protection. This is an industry of Sasa kibbutz. As well, we visited Mobileye Company - a global pioneer in the development of driver assistance systems and camera-based processing. These 2 companies are examples of the amazing start-up companies in Israel.




Major Sarit Zehav
Major Sarit Zehav, national security and middle east analyst, briefed the group on the complex national and international issues and politics, especially Syria. To say that the situation is complicated is an understatement.




For the twenty participants, eight of whom were first time visitors to Israel, this was the trip of a lifetime leaving a positive, impactful impression on everyone involved.


While surrounded by those whose intent is the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of the Jewish people, Israel counters with planning for and building a future that is, and always will be "A light among the Nations". With your help the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg/CJA's support of that future is something we can all be proud of.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Elaine Goldstine

Interim CEO, Jewish Federation of Winnipeg

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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