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Hart Peikoff

Erin Peikoff (left), Sara Peikoff (right) with their mother Ann Peikoff (centre)


A surprise I received after hearing Rabbi Benarroch at Herzlia Synagogue.

By Hart Peikoff, November 1, 2010

I received an E mail from my eldest daughter Erin around 12:25 pm last Friday asking if I wanted to come for dinner that night. Well I saw the E mail around 3 pm and informed her I had been invited to attend Herzlia – Adas Yeshurun scholar in residence weekend by Rabbi Ari Ellis and I accepted. Rabbi Yosef Benarroch from Israel was the visiting scholar. He has family in Winnipeg.

I asked Erin if it was ok if I dropped bye around 10 pm if they were still up.
She said,” of course, yes Dad,” and went on to say she had a small surprise for me. Well, I had no idea what she was alluding to.

The evening at Herzlia was very interesting and spiritual. Rabbi Benarroch’s message was uplifting and at times I thought he was directing his message to me personally. It was on the meaning of Yom Kippur and how we can grow each year becoming more than we were the year before and much more. He also spoke about the lessons of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs. Our ancestors are not called "elders" or "founders," but mothers and fathers. The Torah tells these stories to teach us lessons that we can learn from their lives. 

Well it was difficult to leave the synagogue around 9:30 pm as I was enjoying myself. I also was looking forward to quality time with Erin and her significant other, Sean. I left and there was a very light snow falling. The young kids outside were so excited. They were looking forward to the snow. I stopped for a few moments to talk with them before I proceeded to walk to my daughter’s home at 1779 Mathers Avenue. She rents the house from my x wife Ann. It is a perfect arrangement for all.

It was an enjoyable brisk walk and soon after my departure from the synagogue arrived at Erin’s door. I entered the house and thought I was back in the days of my LSD use/abuse. I truly thought I was hallucinating. I stood spellbound—frozen in time. In front of me stood my youngest daughter Sara who moved to Vancouver last November 9th. I hadn’t seen her since then. Well she approached me at the same time I moved towards her. We hugged each other with such warmth I did not want this interaction to ever stop. Well like all of life’s activities; “Life is energy. Energy is motion. Everyone moves. We moved into the living room and spent a short time together. Warmth radiated throughout the room. To me this was a gift from G-D. As well, this was a small miracle. The Red Seas still part.

Erin darling I want to thank you for keeping the secret Sara was in town. You altered my senses in such a loving way. Thanks darling. I will see you on November 3rd at your small birthday party and probably before that. 

Both you and Sara are my world. I am extremely proud of both of you. You two make this a better world for all.

Love, Hart Peikoff, your Dad.

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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